Professor Goel decided to do something to remedy this situation and his solution was to create a virtual assistant named Jill Watson, which is based on the IBM Watson platform.
He decided to do something about reforesting man-made wastes of western Australia.
I decided to do something to educate people about this problem.
He decided to do something, so he took out some paper and his painting set.
Instead, the 19-year-old boy decided to do something for people who were less lucky than himself.
One educator named Dori Roberts decided to do something to change this system.
We've decided to do something about it.
So I decided to do something different and holed a long one, about a 60-footer!
Earlier this year I got pretty bored and decided to do something creative in my spare time.
They went to so many "conventional" weddings they decided to do something out of this world.
The ABC designers realized their users' confusion with IO, and decided to do something different.
When Nicholas heard of their plight, he was very concerned. He decided to do something to help them.
So I've decided to do something a little dangerous - create a leaderboard of my top 10 Android picks.
Once you’ve decided to do something, and decided that you will focus, the next step is to take action.
Form not on I'm not going to waste away in front of the television. I've decided to do something meaningful.
No matter where you are in the world, if you have decided to do something deep from your heart, you can do it.
Every time I've lost data it's been because I decided to do something crazy and didn't think to make backups first.
The next year, four students from Huntington High School in Long Island saw the picture and decided to do something.
The question so irked Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary until last year, that he decided to do something about it.
No! Because I'm a volunteer! I am willing to be a volunteer. Once I have decided to do something, I will never give up!
Less than 5, 000 microbial species have been characterized as of two years ago, and so we decided to do something about it.
When Geng Fang saw how worried her father was, she felt as worried as him and decided to do something to help him out of the fix.
Then he decided to do something to change all that, and in a few weeks his restaurant was always full of men and their lady friends.
I am very busy these days because the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. We have decided to do something for the Olympic Games.
"Weddings are generally boring, especially for kids, so we decided to do something fun for the kids," Beyer said. "Then they could go out trick-or-treating."
I love animals and so I decided to try and do something a bit different with the frogs which were paying me a visit.
When my business flattened out, we decided to use what was left of our savings and do something we'd always dreamt about-take a trip around the world.
Addressing this problem, SGI decided to design a completely new high-performance 64-bit filesystem rather than attempting to tweak EFS to do something that it was never designed to do.
Addressing this problem, SGI decided to design a completely new high-performance 64-bit filesystem rather than attempting to tweak EFS to do something that it was never designed to do.