In the research of primary spectrum pyrometry, this paper discussed the definition problem of radiation temperature measurement area based on the measurement coordinates.
We have our problem definition, the defect being the cost of food not consumed by the customer that spoiled per week; and we have our business metric: wasted money on inventory.
The problem with this approach is that each country has a different median income, so the definition of what is middle class shifts from place to place.
This definition covers the use of storyboards as a method of capturing the way that a solution behaves, as though you have already solved the problem.
This was not a problem for the startups; by definition a high valuation means enough investors were willing to accept it.
The next step that I usually take when starting a problem definition is to create a glossary.
In other words, while not minimizing the scope of the problem, Friedman notes that any small change in its definition can have profound consequences in the number of people who are considered obese.
The problem with the way we use procrastination is that it has come to mean much more than the dictionary definition, and now brings with it an accusing tone filled with blame.
我们使用“拖延”这个词时,存在一个问题。 我们把定义中没有的含义强加于“拖延”上,以致于我们提到“拖延”,就会用充满责备的语气指责它。
The worst problem with contemporary art is this suspension of critical faculties, the craven readiness to say the new and the cool must be great, by definition.
The lack of a clear legal definition helps to explain why the police have struggled to address the problem.
That shows the problem. The definition of "Europe" is as unreliable as the word "eastern".
The dynamic definition of the problem focuses, not on what has to be done, but on how you do it.
Anyone who does commit the solecism of talking or writing about class in America is assailed at once by a problem of definition.
Part of the problem is that I have trouble producing an exact definition of the criteria I use when grading.
SAs are usually developed as good-enough solutions; by definition they're created to solve a specific problem for a small team or group.
By definition, not knowing about a principle constitutes a massive underdoing of it, so you haven't bracketed the problem until you find yourself in an excess of a good thing.
Why is procrastination deemed to be such a problem if, by its definition, the action is such a benign and even useful one?
In a sense, the problem statement is a static definition of the problem — it describes the problem that the user has to solve, but that's it.
The latter approach has the obvious advantage of providing a clean slate, enabling the definition of a language that is optimally suited to the problem at hand.
However, you will not come up with a proper answer or explanation if there is not a concise definition and understanding of the business problem.
The definition of "useful" has become so narrow that it only includes information that applies directly to a concrete problem.
The only problem with this template definition is that Cheetah prints s on a separate line from unit.
If this occurs, you must correct the problem and then restart the replicate definition for the local replicate participant with the — sync (-s) option.
如果发生这种情况,必须更正这个问题,然后用——sync (- s)选项为本地参与者重新启动复制定义。
After capturing the problem definition on paper, the next step is to make sure that you've "got it right."
Definition: to think of new ideas, alone or in a group; to think hard about a solution to a problem.
Planning Domain Definition language (PDDL) is the standard language for problem description in automated planning research, and it is not only a modeling but also a communication language.
Planning Domain Definition language (PDDL) is the standard language for problem description in automated planning research, and it is not only a modeling but also a communication language.