The manner and degree of China's inflation problem is hard to judge, but as prices rise, the case for exchange rate appreciation only gets stronger.
A high degree of energythat is directed in a negative manner with hateful or angry emotions isincredibly draining and destructive.
A high degree of energy that is directed in a negative manner with hateful or angry emotions is incredibly draining and destructive.
All these words share the meaning of "laugh", but they are different from one another in manner, volume, degree, mood, connotation, passion, and appeal.
There are various of dissymmetry relations, the character and manner of the immoral behavior will change with the character and degree of the dissymmetry relation.
This paper is a comparison of the grammatical syntagma and grammaticalization process, manner, degree and formation of tag questions in English and Chinese.
Otherwise, the Supreme Committee of General Election is entitled to determine the penalty manner and degree.
Whether the male nurse's personality characteristic and the occupation match will affect them to nurse the specialized adaption degree, also will affect them to choose nurses the specialized manner.
Possesses a high degree of product knowledge and relevant technical skills; intuitively recommends and effectively up sells resort facilities in a sensitive and personalized manner.
Spec:Using optics refraction principle, embraces hollow powder particles in a 3 dimensional and 360 degree manner.
说明: 360度立体成形,利用光学折射原理,令色彩柔和均匀。
Spec:Using optics refraction principle, embraces hollow powder particles in a 3 dimensional and 360 degree manner.
说明: 360度立体成形,利用光学折射原理,令色彩柔和均匀。