How did we get so terribly rushed in a world saturated with work and responsibility, yet somehow deprive of joy and delight?
I didn't then get how the words could work as misdirection, giving the ache or bittersweet delight in the guitars space to get under your skin.
Ms Lagarde has two sons aged 22 and 24. Her delight, away from work (when she can get away from it) is to spend time with them, and her new partner, in upper Normandy.
Whether sharing drinks with friends, catching up on work, or just finding comfort in the luxurious seating area, Sour Diesel is sure to delight guests.
When you're busy with work at the Business Centre or at a meeting, your little ones can delight in the indoor play room or take advantage of our baby-sitting services.
AMERICANS like to think of themselves as martyrs to work. They delight in telling stories about their punishing hours, snatched holidays and ever-intrusive BlackBerrys.
For a few weeks their work had gone on with a monotony which in itself was a delight to him.
It does however work in the real world where people delight in trying to shoot down the ideas of others before they can take root.
When this state of fervour has done its work, has melted away all earthly passions and affections, and left no inclination in the soul but to delight in God alone, then its prayer changes again.
When this state of fervour has done its work, has melted away all earthly passions and affections, and left no inclination in the soul but to delight in God alone, then its prayer changes again.