Remember, even if you conclude that she is indeed incapable, that she is human and don't demonize her.
I had done everything I knew to reach out to the Republicans in Washington; they had tried to demonize me from day one.
"Man I love Twitter... I've always been at the mercy of the press but no more... the media tried to demonize me," he tweeted Saturday.
However, many television, newspaper and magazines have cited the sub-human beings how to "demonize" we report the case of a friend.
However, I am opposed to using the Olympics to demonize China and its people and disruptive, confrontational, and violent tactics.
Those who patronize other people, demonize those they disagree with, or disregard foreign cultures as primitive have come to seem foolish.
And rather than demonize spendthrift fathers, we should investigate when, how and why fathers' budgeting becomes more similar to mothers' budgeting.
Take for example Iran, I don't see why Western nations should demonize Iran and see it as a threat when it is them whom have treated Iranians poorly.
拿伊朗打比方,我就是看不明白西方国家要视为伊朗为恶魔,把它当作威胁, 相反正是这些所谓的民族人士, 热爱和平的人士非常不好的正对待着伊朗人民。
Regulation remains largely ineffective (in fact, the industry has managed to demonize the word), the big Banks are too important to fail, and interest rates are low across the yield curve.
Regulation remains largely ineffective (in fact, the industry has managed to demonize the word), the big Banks are too important to fail, and interest rates are low across the yield curve.