All parties joined in bitter denunciation of the terrorists.
On September 24, he wrote a stinging denunciation of his critics.
The prosecutor's frenzied denunciation of the accused.
We were amazed to hear the witness's denunciation of the accused.
At least, it should: denunciation for its own sake sometimes proves irresistible.
The rule of taking examples in Ma Shi Wen Tong has an object of public denunciation.
Mr King casts an unsparing light on the rather less heroic reality, of collaboration and denunciation.
That may explain his initial denunciation of Mr Cameron for inflaming extremism, and his subsequent recantation.
Notorious cases aside, he may proceed against them in three ways: namely, by accusation, denunciation and inquest.
His public denunciation of the steel industry worked; the industry backed down and the antitrust investigation was called off.
Effective denunciation of a crime, with the aim of evoking a law enforcement response, must be made formally to the police.
Polish public debate can indeed be overheated, but in his denunciation of it, Mr Michnik risks falling victim to the hysteria he bemoans.
Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered with the International Labour Office.
“EGREGIOUS, outrageous, violated everything we stand for”: Don Graham’s denunciation of recent activities by some employees of his own firm is stark.
“太令人吃惊,太无耻,违反了我们所遵循的一切准则。” 道·格雷厄姆对公司部分员工最近所做所为的谴责可谓一针见血。
Could his public denunciation stem from the fear that China is somehow losing influence over Yao with his continual exposure to Western culture?
The public denunciation of Berlusconi that ensued wasn't the first time the usually private Lario openly complained about her husband's reported flirtations.
Except for the mental denunciation of the benefit, people should be equipped with rites and music, which is the effective way to achieve moral education.
And more and more people of faith are waking up to the fact that modern farming practices warrant both suspension of our support and Jeremiah-level denunciation.
A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after its receipt by the Secretary-General.
American merchant known primarily for his strong denunciation of the Salem witch trials (1692) and his opposition to the rigid Puritanism of Cotton and Increase Mather.
The denunciation of Owen in an arena where he once performed the Torres role was so fierce that Wayne Rooney made a point of consoling him as Sir Alex Ferguson's men traipsed off.
托雷斯所担当的位置,正是当年欧文在离开利物浦之前的天下。 对欧文的漫骂如此无情,以至于鲁尼上前安慰了这位在场上游荡的弗格森的弟子一番。
In a society where many people routinely break laws against blackmarket activities just to get by, everyone is vulnerable to denunciation by a neighbor or friend who has his own SINS to hide.
The article analyzed the denunciation characteristics of the environmental illegal activities in Xuzhou. The reason of more and more illegal activities and the model of denunciation are indicated.
The article analyzed the denunciation characteristics of the environmental illegal activities in Xuzhou. The reason of more and more illegal activities and the model of denunciation are indicated.