Forever dependent on a growing supply of fresh victims, Ponzi schemers can’t be fussy about their clients and are typically in an unseemly hurry to snare them.
In general people are less dependent on electronics because the electricity supply is intermittent throughout the day.
No supply chain so dependent on workers should be breathtakingly intolerant of any of their needs.
As a result, the world's food supply has become largely dependent on a shrinking list of breeds designed for maximum yield: the Rhode Island Red chicken, the large White pig, the Holstein cow.
Laser diode (LD) is a current injected device whose characteristic and life are greatly dependent on the performance of LD-used current supply.
Carry out all measurements and check all functions dependent on the high-voltage power supply being connected.
The experimental results show that intact blood supply of liver is a guarantee for liver regeneration, which is dependent primarily on portal blood supply.
The experimental results show that intact blood supply of liver is a guarantee for liver regeneration, which is dependent primarily on portal blood supply.