Use Shallow Depth-of-Field Isolate a centerpiece or other main subject with a shallow depth of field.
If you can get that level of depth of field for that cheap in order to single out your subjects in your photos, why not go for it?
Also helpful to me was a discussion of the depth of field preview button, something I had long ignored.
The simplest way to do this is to choose a small Aperture setting (a large number) as the smaller your aperture the greater the depth of field in your shots.
Proper focusing is critical at night because small apertures are often impractical — therefore one cannot afford to waste mispositioning the depth of field (see hyperfocal distance).
在夜晚,合适的聚焦非常关键,因为小光圈常常不合实际。因此,你不能错误地定位景深 (超焦距)。
In one of my favorite shots, I focussed on a chess board with a very shallow depth of field, and lit up the subject's face so much that the highlights are all blown out.
To borrow a term from the visual arts, Franzen's writing has an enviable depth of field: it keeps a great deal in focus simultaneously.
Early film photographers shied away from capturing night scenes because these require prohibitively long exposures to maintain adequate depth of field, or produced unacceptable amounts of image noise.
Focus isn't just about what to focus on, it's also about how much depth of field to show in the portrait.
The electrons interact with the atoms at the surface of the object, revealing the texture and structure with a depth of field that makes for a great three-dimensional sense of the target.
A full moon can be a savior for reducing the required exposure time and allowing for extended depth of field, while a moonless night greatly increases star visibility.
Aperture Priority Mode is a great way to control depth of field as it will ensure your images are well exposed.
It boasts a startling depth of field, conjuring a fetid virtual terrain on a pancake-flat screen and inviting the viewer to step inside.
Depth of field is a key aspect of many droplet shots, with a clear central area and a hazy smooth outer edge to the shot.
Photos are unavoidably limited by the trade-off between depth of field, exposure time and image noise.
We found that the best pictures have a very shallow depth of field, meaning that the subject is in crisp focus while the rest of the picture is blurry, like this
A 5 megapixel camera that USES Extended Depth of Field instead of true autofocus.
Portrait mode chooses a large aperture (a small 'f' number) which will make the depth of field (the amount of your shot in focus) smaller.
The f-stop, otherwise known as the aperture, determines your depth of field (the area in focus) and how much light can pass through the lens to reach the sensor.
Here you can see the preview. All the red-highlighted sequences in this video are time marks for playing with depth of field.
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre presents "Depth of Field," an overview of the most talented young photographers from Belgium at the moment.
Its welded black metal screens visually delimit the space and maintain the full depth of field of the entire volume.
We'll also discuss using Peregrine Lab's Bokeh plug-in to create realistic depth of field.
An example of the new Depth of Field effect can be seen in the following images, displaying the results of a defocused foreground and a defocused background.
Fixed an issue with the Depth of Field causing rendering artifacts.
In addition to the two meters, the app includes a Sunny Sixteen calculator and a Depth of Field calculator.
Meanwhile, the experiment result shows that the laser holography system is a powerful tool for diagnosing dynamic particle field, with high resolution and large depth of field.
Meanwhile, the experiment result shows that the laser holography system is a powerful tool for diagnosing dynamic particle field, with high resolution and large depth of field.