The framework uses the MVC design pattern, the primary goal of which is to separate the data and presentation layers of a software application.
此框架使用的是 MVC设计模式,其最主要的目的是分离一个软件应用程序的数据层和表示层。
As a consequence, software engineering processes are significantly improved by the use of the messaging design pattern.
This feature allows developers to leverage the modeling and design pattern capabilities of Rational Software Architect for non-J2EE platform development.
这个特性允许开发人员在非j2ee平台开发时,也可以使用Rational Software Architect的建模和设计模式功能。
In this tutorial, Part 2 of the series, we discuss how you can leverage your own custom pattern implementations in Rational Software Architect to automate the design of an SOA solution.
在本教程中,系列的第2部分,我们将讨论您如何能够利用Rational Software Architect中您自己的定制模式实现来自动地设计SOA解决方案。
The purpose of this article is not to make you an expert in design patterns but rather to show you the pattern capabilities that Rational Software Architect has.
本文的意图不是使您成为设计模式的专家,而是向您介绍RationalSoftwareArchitect 所具有的模式功能。
By using ANSYS5 7 software, the relationship between load and displacement of Bourdon tube can be analyzed quantitatively by entering modeling pattern and design parameters.
In the end of this chapter, the relationship between design pattern and software maintainability is analyzed.
The design of garment pattern CAD relates to many modification methods, one of which is free curve modification. However, many modification modules in the present CAD software have drawbacks.
The paper introduces the theory of Object Oriented technology and design pattern in brief and discusses their application in Software Reuse.
This paper studies a software on the management of fashion pattern combining with fashion teaching and introduces its system disposition, design thinking, function and applied scope.
The idea of pattern is introduced into the development of the relay device coordination software, which helps to design the new self-defined relay device coordination system.
A new ECG pattern classifier with Variable Area Template is applied to improve the quantity of ECG analysis results, while the optimized software design ensures the other performances.
The J2EE based use of MVC design pattern in the enterprise development can simplify developing process, quicken developing speed and improve quality and maintainability of the software.
The ABMS design pattern will be helpful to build dialogue and communications between the domain of modeling and simulation and software development community.
This text attempts to provide the blueprint of the pattern process software system of remote sensing, offer reference and basis for further development and design.
The design pattern is described as a scheme to solve a class of problems in a special environment and becomes and important research object in the modern software system design.
This paper makes a deep research on generating integration testing scenarios method based on UML design pattern and the testing of polymorphic in software.
This paper makes a deep research on generating integration testing scenarios method based on UML design pattern and the testing of polymorphic in software.