Our aim was to use their product in a new way, trying to destabilise their office space.
Could the increasingly protectionist instincts of us politicians destabilise the dollar?
The financial system requires close oversight, or crises will destabilise it (see article).
But it did not destabilise the ice sheet or provide a new reason to worry about rising sea levels.
The concern is that Mr McGuinness's candidacy could destabilise this effective but fragile teamwork.
Such raised emotions are likely to leave long-term scars, and may continue to destabilise countries like Egypt.
Eventually, gravitational tugs from the sun would destabilise the moonlets, making them crash into the bigger one.
a warning over the potential for “massive” capital inflows from developed nations to destabilise emerging economies;
The Shanghai stock exchange has even warned that record trading volumes could destabilise its electronic trading system.
The French are not usually bothered by such matters, but Mr Strauss-Kahn’s enemies could bring them up to try to destabilise him.
Moreover, rapid exchange-rate revaluation and the relaxation of controls on the capital account could destabilise Chinese growth.
There are growing concerns that a flood of liquidity is fuelling asset-price bubbles, which could destabilise economies when they burst.
On the contrary, your photographs destabilise us and take us into a pictorial world, reconstituting an imaginary reality, with its own coherent logic.
It was a set of critical and rhetorical practices that sought to destabilise the modernist touchstones of identity, historical progress and epistemic certainty.
But what is liquidity, why does it suddenly evaporate and what can central Banks and regulators do to ensure that its ebb and flow does not destabilise economies?
The chancellor's reluctance to divulge details is understandable; after all, letting daylight in on his plan too soon could further destabilise the banking industry.
Any shortening of the food chain is likely to destabilise entire ecosystems, possibly leading to new ones in which just one or two species, such as jellyfish, predominate.
Russia and China called on all parties to show restraint and avoid actions which could further destabilise the situation, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
British team has found that the regions of the brain responsible for learning, memory and emotion can destabilise the cardiac muscle of someone who already has heart disease.
The overriding reason for the DoJ to bless these deals is that consolidation is the only way left for the airlines to address problems that continue to destabilise the industry.
Trying to steer a large company in tandem requires a similarly delicate balancing act, because a lack of co-ordination between joint chief executives can destabilise the business.
As cholera and refugees threaten to destabilise South Africa itself, its rulers must start to consider drastic measures to rescue the benighted country that Zimbabwe has now become.
What we don't understand is why you would want to go public with such hurtful comments which serve no purpose but to destabilise even further the players and Arsenal Football Club.
But it is seen as highly likely that Apple will fight Lodsys's claim, because it would destabilise its App Store, which is an essential element in maintaining the attraction of its iPhone.
但苹果很有可能会反击Lodsys的声明,因为这会影响到AppStore的业务,App Store是苹果维持iphone魅力的一个根本因素。
This accelerated growth also reduces the amount of oxygen available to other plant and animal species in the affected area; raising fears that it could destabilise fragile Marine ecosystems.
This accelerated growth also reduces the amount of oxygen available to other plant and animal species in the affected area; raising fears that it could destabilise fragile Marine ecosystems.