The robot cannot help you with housework, but it will develop your ability to love.
Develop your ability to use narrative stories and analogies - they are powerful teaching tools. Build a 'bank'.
This class will develop your ability to translate your experience and thoughts about it into personal essays by building upon your existing strengths as writers and readers.
One of the primary benefits of reading books is its ability to develop your critical thinking skills.
Develop some concentration ability, as this will enable you to choose your thoughts and feelings.
And as you get into the habit of building character in the smaller areas of your life, your ability to develop character strength in more important spheres will grow.
Part of being a good manager is the ability to develop talent in your team that can lead to strategic, long-term success.
Develop, and teach your children, the ability to do the best you can, accept that there will be times you cannot meet your goal, and go with the flow.
You need to develop the ability to mentally shrink down the size of your challenges in your mind.
Metasploit goes a step beyond regular vulnerability scanners: it provides you the ability to develop your own exploits and delivery mechanisms.
You should develop your discriminating faculties, become a useful and productive member of society, and develop conscientious habits and the ability to accept criticism.
This book is a masterpiece of Samuel Smiles. As an inspirational classic, this book could help improve your ability of self-help and develop your own way of living.
So you must retain - or develop - your own ability to make technical choices that meet your business's needs.
It involves contracting and relaxing muscles around your body so that people develop the ability to relax at will.
Encourage your child to play guessing games. The answers to riddles are always a surprise and can help develop a child's thinking ability.
Everything you do, do to the best of your ability even if it cleaning the toilets or something equally as mundane, develop a reputation as someone who takes pride in their work.
Encourage your child to read out loud to help develop his pronunciation skills as well as his confidence in his own speaking ability.
I do that to help you learn to think more clearly, to express yourself convincingly, and to develop your intellectual power, your ability to understand the world.
And these all depend on your ability to persuade others to cooperate with you financially so that you can develop the leverage you need to move onward and upward in your field.
Production of jewelry will develop your aesthetic ability to exercise your hands, but also let you have a calm mind, so that you become ingenuity figure.
Production of jewelry will develop your aesthetic ability to exercise your hands, but also let you have a calm mind, so that you become ingenuity figure.