Start with the end that is diagonally opposite to where you want the knot to be.
The service core is diagonally opposite as are the document lounges and the toilets.
The player of the receiving side standing in the diagonally opposite service court to the server shall be the receiver.
Happened to pass by Albert Complex food market (diagonally opposite Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple) the other night, so JAF decided to settle the dinner here.
Between the buildings a 235m span footbridge connects the diagonally opposite corners of the site at ground level. The cable suspended footbridge provides a public access through the urban block.
Scan the page diagonally from top left to bottom right - This is the direction the eye is automatically trained to read (of course, it's the opposite in some cultures).
Angle two is the backhand return of Angle one, traveling diagonally from your left to your right from the opposite side of the opponent's body.
Angle two is the backhand return of Angle one, traveling diagonally from your left to your right from the opposite side of the opponent's body.