There is a dialectical relationship between population and economy.
The dialectical relationship between historical truth and artistic truth;
If it is theoretically concerned, it shows a dialectical relationship of "change" or "not change".
It isn't absolutely oppositional between "interpretation" and "change", but a dialectical relationship.
Because it is the dialectical relationship between freedom and order, the general idea of law is to balance.
There is a close dialectical relationship among humanistic disciplines which depend upon and complement one another.
This paper explores todays educational life in terms of the dialectical relationship between competition and compromise.
Commodity use value and value paradox, use value and value exists between the dialectical relationship between opposites.
They just formed the dialectical relationship in the whole and the part, the surface and the inside, the inside and substance.
So, we should stress on the dialectical relationship between the freedom of style and rules of style in the evolution of style.
The prickly but familiar dialectical relationship of progress and recalcitrance have left many of us cross-eyed through the years.
It is to analyse the function and dialectical relationship of the 'six combinations' in the management practice of language laboratory.
However, the basic theoretical problem of standard of proof is the dialectical relationship between 'objective facts' and' legal facts'.
This article describes and discusses dialectical relationship between function and forms of architecture by some excellent architecture examples.
The important i dea of the book includes the dialectical relationship between the Oppress and the Oppressed; the oppressed phenomenon of the pedagogy.
According to the practice of teaching and studying, this article discusses the dialectical relationship among acceptations, examples and argumentations.
On the basis of this, it raises the dialectical relationship between the identification and the individualization of CIS system of real estate corporation.
Finally, the paper USES a "figure with 3-rings" to express the dialectical relationship among the Earth system, metallogenic system and exploration system.
The relationship between technical innovation and enhancement of the core competitiveness in an enterprise is the dialectical relationship of unity of opposites.
This paper is a brief discussion of the dialectical relationship between the two and, on the other hand, an elucidation of some factors in convicting an offender.
This essay tries to discuss the dialectical relationship between the exact words and exact messages in poetry and forms of reduplication from rhetorical point of view.
The research about dialectical relationship between integration and management is useful for clarifying the concepts, and perfecting the integration management theories.
To understand correctly and grasp firmly the objectivity of historical knowledge, we must start the research with the dialectical relationship of the subject and object.
The present thesis aims at studying poem translator's re-creation from the perspective of the dialectical relationship between "blank" and "repertoire" in the original text.
To some extent the whole human history that is a cultural history, culture shaped people, who created the culture, there is dialectical relationship between people and culture.
The scientific technology is the first productive force, and the law is the overtop structure, the two of which constitutes the dialectical relationship of function and reaction.
We should correctly understand the dialectical relationship among collection, administration and check, and reasonably establish internal offices for the taxation administration.
This article introduces to you the respectable morals of scientists in modern or ancient times, in China or elsewhere, and the dialectical relationship between science and morality.
本文介绍了古今中外科学家高尚的道德风范及科学与道德的辩证关系。 传统道德是科学家获取伟大成就的思想品德基础。
The paper points out the two misunderstandings in editing manuscripts and the relevant causes and analyses the dialectical relationship between editing responsibility and no-correction.
Starts with the concept of practice, Marx has posted the dialectical relationship between the subject and object, and has explored the historical process of the formation of free subject.