My parents were not interested in whether I went to school or got drunk on white wine. "- Die zeit."
Bernd Ulrich, in Die Zeit, a highbrow weekly newspaper, identified several reasons for western gratitude.
Another paper, Die Zeit, said that one of the guns could not be found by police when they searched the house.
另一家报纸Die Zeit报导说警察在搜家时有一支枪没有找到。
Die Zeit had the first female editor in post-war Germany, Countess Marion donhoff, but only its travel and letters sections are now run by women.
战后的德国《时代》周刊有了第一位女性编辑CountessMarion donhoff,不过现在只有旅游跟读者来信版块才是由女性运作的。
Aftonbladet, a Swedish tabloid, runs a hugely popular weight-loss club, a model it has licensed to several other European newspapers, including Germany's Die Zeit.
瑞典小报aftonbladet是一家倍受欢迎的减肥吧的运营商,它已经将该减肥吧的授权给另外几家欧洲媒体,其中包括德国的Die Zeit。
Aftonbladet, a Swedish tabloid, runs a hugely popular weight-loss club, a model it has licensed to several other European newspapers, including Germany's Die Zeit.
瑞典小报aftonbladet是一家倍受欢迎的减肥吧的运营商,它已经将该减肥吧的授权给另外几家欧洲媒体,其中包括德国的Die Zeit。