He added, It will be now very difficult to convince any Serb that this is not an anti-Serb tribunal.
I suddenly realized that the original is not very difficult to convince a person one thing, the key is in speech.
If you are pursuing a new direction, it's all that much more difficult to convince hiring managers to take a chance on you.
It's always difficult to convince people that we don't need players but when you see them play tonight you can understand why.
When you're playing Minesweeper, Solitaire or Angry Birds, it's a little difficult to convince yourself that you're being productive.
Your dad and best friend are only looking out for your best interests and it is difficult to convince them that somebody is good enough for you.
Despite an impressive handful of high-profile clients, Experconnect has found it difficult to convince French companies that older workers can be valuable.
Although the majority of users of the site from the Asia, Latin America and Europe, but this figure is still very difficult to convince the industry to make.
And while it wouldn't be difficult to get the ball rolling on this, it would be difficult to convince other content providers to abandon Apple and to switch to Sony's content platform instead.
In the immediate aftermath of such crises, it is difficult to convince people that the wrenching events are not likely to recur any time soon, because, with a (very) low probability, they might.
When dealing with a difficult person, don't try to convince with argument - language are slippery and logic is malleable.
当我们和难相处的人打交道时,不要试图用争论来说服对方- - -语言是狡猾的,逻辑是可变的。
"Images on TV convince people every day that beauty in this country is being" standardized "as it becomes increasingly difficult to tell one actress from another."
My most difficult challenge was to convince the faculty to change the way our courses were taught.
And so if you wanted to convince them to do something they don't want to do, it's very difficult.
However, Juve directors now have the difficult task of going to Sicily to convince both club and player to accept their possible offer.
However, Juve directors now have the difficult task of going to Sicily to convince both club and player to accept their possible offer.