Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
They should start by discarding California's lame argument that exploring the contents of a smartphone—a vast storehouse of digital information—is similar to, say, going through a suspect's purse.
Computers can operate on either analogue or digital information.
The amount of digital information increases tenfold every five years.
In tests, the stored digital information was found to be remarkably stable.
They are digital information stored, copied, varied and selected by machines.
When securing digital information, it is important to implement end-to-end security.
The rate at which circuits or other devices operate when handling digital information.
Maybe, "How about I take my digital world and paint the physical world with that digital information?"
或许,“把数字世界的数字信息,描画在实体世界里? ”?
But now, in a world with a lot more digital information to store, what defines an "extremely large" database?
On the other we are beginning to annotate our planet with digital information, via technologies like Google Earth.
在另一方面,我们开始用数字信息注释这个星球,通过像Google Earth这样的技术。
This is a single-chip development and electronic design documents for the conversion analog and digital information.
The problem has worsened since the proliferation of digital information has made discovery more complicated and expensive.
In the areas of pattern recognition and image processing, an image is often thinned to get its most valid digital information.
The received in the implanted chip, the digital information is transformed into electrical impulses sent into the ganglion cells.
Logic Analyzer is used for testing the digital information in the digital system, whose structure is complex and the cost is higher.
These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and coping of digital information than to exist in traditional media.
There's never been a more competitive market than the Internet, and every day the marginal cost of digital information comes closer to nothing.
They publicized this event with flyers posted on their digital information board and in various high-traffic locations throughout the work site.
In order to find the interested knowledge from datasets, it is required to use data mining which is useful in times of digital information.
And the upheaval is driven by the transformation of tangible goods into digital information in combination with fortuitous quirk of human nature.
There's a tremendous amount of digital information floating around and few great solutions for filtering it, making sense of it, and consuming it.
NC is a technology using digital information to realize the control of machine tool, is one of the most crucial I ink in modern product technology.
That is to say, DICOM makes the communications of image and others digital information between different medical imaging apparatus has a unified standard.
People are also being offered more and more digital information via other sources, including specialised search engines and software applications on smartphones.
All these examples tell the same story: that the world contains an unimaginably vast amount of digital information which is getting ever vaster ever more rapidly.
It also anticipated that such cloud computing would accelerate the emergence of "big data" : huge piles of digital information that can be mined for valuable knowledge.
In particular, virtual reality will in 2010 make way for augmented reality: overlaying the real world with digital information, typically with the help of a smart-phone.
This is the fashion element of life that mainly creates for the male readers, the most comprehensive network of auto and digital information for life in fresh colors.
Others, however, argue that the nature of digital information and the abundanceof information sources online mean that readers cannot be expected topay for access to news.