It is the problem for direct reduction process with oxygen enriched gas generated from solid fuel to produce qualified reduction gas.
The current development, process and technical characters of main smelting reduction technologies for direct ironmaking were discussed.
The laboratory test of grate - klin direct reduction process was conducted.
The separation of iron and gold is solved to a gossan type gold ore through "direct reduction with coal-magnetic separation-cyanidation process".
The invention discloses a direct reduction generator for copper powder with low apparent density and a process thereof.
The effects of binder and damp mill on green balls, the process for preheated pellets with high strength and easy reduction, and coal-based direct reduction iron(DRI) were studied.
The purpose of development non-blast furnace technology is reduce iron and steel process, save energy, and efficient production. So far formed by direct reduction and smelting reduction process based.
The higher quality results translate to a direct reduction of in-process repairs, as well as an incremental reduction in scrapped components and associated material loss.
Direct reduction is an iron smelting process for producing metallic iron using gas, liquid fuels and non-coke coal as energy to reduce pellets, lump ore and fine ore under solid state.
On condition that the process is fixed, we qualitatively point out that the temperature of spin head and temperature of spin pump are in direct proportion to the reduction of viscosity.
On condition that the process is fixed, we qualitatively point out that the temperature of spin head and temperature of spin pump are in direct proportion to the reduction of viscosity.