The municipality that attends to listen lesson sets the salary premises tapping director of company Tang beginning appraisal.
Parking rates will be attracted about $400 monthly or $25 per day, according to Ari Milstein, the director of planning for Automation Parking Systems, which is the U.S. subsidiary of a German company.
据一家德国公司在美国的子公司AutomationParkingSystems 的计划主管阿里·米尔斯坦称,停车费每月将收入约400美元,或每天25美元。
He received a generous pension when downsized from his job as director of partner relationships for a large Silicon Valley company.
Peg Boorse, 50, the director of supply chain management for a large cosmetics company near Philadelphia, says she sleeps well only on vacation, when she can escape her constant stream of work worries.
A director of a big company tried to persuade Joseph to make some concession to sell the invention.
Enrico Gennari, director of oceans for the South African company, suspects that one shark may have wound up on top of another.
"If any wave motor of which I have knowledge will be a success the Reynolds is the one," said a local engineer who also happened to be a director of the newly formed California wave motor Company.
As a marketing director at a computer software company, he'd gotten a taste of what it was like to grant people's wishes while managing the firm's community outreach program.
Ahmet Arda, managing director of AMR Resources, says his company has accelerated the production of rare earths in southern Turkey to take advantage of the shortage.
We don't want to invest money in training them or providing insurance, " said Zhou Weihua, director of the general manager's office at Dongguan Yintong Glass Company.
The company's stock offering prospectus reveals that the managing editor of the Los Angeles Herald, Frank E. Wolfe, was actually a director of the company.
这家公司的股权招标书中显示洛杉矶先驱导报的总编辑法兰克e .伍尔夫正式型公司的董事。
If compliance director finds its necessary, he can hire external professional institute or expert in the name of the company to assist his work.
Paul French, Shanghai-based director of the market research company AccessAsia, called the development "dead in the water."
But building a new coal mine and the accompanying infrastructure can take years, says Virach Makaranithiroj, director of investor relations for Banpu, a Thai energy company.
但是,泰国能源公司班普的投资者关系总监Virach Makaranithiroj指出,建造新煤矿及配套基础设施可能需要几年的时间。
On the same day, D.K. Sarraf, managing director of unit ONGC Videsh Ltd., said the company may bid in an auction of nine offshore blocks being offered by Vietnam that will close Jan. 26.
同一天,印度石油天然气公司下属的维德希有限公司(ONGCVidesh Ltd.)常务董事D.K. 萨拉夫(D.K.Sarraf)称,该公司有可能投标越南提供的九个近海标段,这次投标将于1月26日结束。
Its director is Margaret Leinen, the former chief science officer of Climos, a San Francisco iron-fertilization company founded in 2005.
主管是Margaret Leinen,他曾担任Climos铁肥料公司(2005年成立于旧金山)的前任技术执行总裁。
Yet unlike most, it does measure this, under an initiative by Ishaat Hussain, the finance director of Tata Sons, the holding company.
但和大多数集团不同的是,控股公司tata sons的财务经理Ishaat Hussain称他会主动较量这些数据。
This morning, 62-year old Rajat Gupta, the former managing director of consulting powerhouse McKinsey &Company, turned himself into the FBI to face insider trading charges.
上周三上午,咨询巨头麦肯锡公司(McKinsey &Company)前董事总经理、62岁的拉雅•古普塔向联邦调查局(FBI)自首。他将面临内幕交易指控。
Julia White, director of the Exchange product team, said the company has 74% market share in United States companies with 500 employees or more.
Tim Connell, the managing director of an assistive-technology company in Australia, told me that he has heard this described as “one of the advantages of being poor.”
Fiat (whose chairman, John Elkann, is a director of The Economist’s parent company) has not decided whether the combined group’s headquarters will be in Turin or Detroit.
Consider this scenario: you are a sales director for a small company, and you would like to review your recent sales using a variety of perspectives.
Glenn Cook, director of staffing for the aerospace company, says it will hire about twice that many next year.
Glenn Cook, director of staffing for the aerospace company, says it will hire about twice that many next year.