Voters are disillusioned with the mudslinging campaigns run by many candidates in recent years.
Coverdale quickly becomes disillusioned with farm work.
He quickly became disillusioned with the treatments he had learned.
All the other teachers are thoroughly disillusioned with their colleague.
In the movie, in the film, the characters are disillusioned with the age and they die.
Huang Yimei, one of Zhang's roommates, has become disillusioned with her own blogging experience.
The former Monaco Coach reportedly became disillusioned with the board's lack of football knowledge.
Fabregas is Mancini's first choice, with the 24-year-old star disillusioned with life as an Arsenal also-ran.
I'd worked on JBoss for several years and had become disillusioned with the project management and quality of the code.
Boredom and depression at work prompted almost two-thirds to call in sick because they are disillusioned with their jobs.
After growing disillusioned with the meaninglessness of being a financial analyst, Vacanti dropped out to start his own company.
People in countries where backhanders are a way of life see resources squandered and become disillusioned with public institutions.
But as I grew disillusioned with politics in the corporate world, I learned that it took more than just skills to climb the ladder.
After the collapse of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, Horn grew increasingly disillusioned with the Imperial presence on Corellia.
As the years passed both prosecution and defense work left me disillusioned with the legal profession - I couldn't see it helping people.
Home schooling is a growing phenomenon in the US,swheresan increasing number of parents have become disillusioned with the public school system.
The Portuguese supporters have grown disillusioned with the team. We now look at the main reasons why enthusiasm has plummeted over the last few months.
She said her father has become disillusioned with higher education and believed it would have been better for his children to have looked for work earlier.
As long tail bloggers become disillusioned with their revenue potential, the businesses that bet on the long tail of the blogosphere are likely to pay the price.
We couldn't — Petters and Whitebox actually did not disagree, but the — Whitebox got completely disillusioned with management and wasn't — so we sold our stake to Petters.
As such, they despise and disrespect him. Gradually, Xiangchun becomes disillusioned with education and upon facing some health issues, dejectedly leaves the teaching line.
These are the people who created the Japanese miracle and who maintained another kind of Japanese miracle even when the world had grown bored and disillusioned with its stagnant economy.
Largely enthusiastic about unity with the north 20 years ago, southerners have grown ever more disillusioned.
His fictionalised portrait of the artist as a young man is recalled by an older, disillusioned narrator. What begins as an enchanted adventure of youth becomes freighted with trauma and loss.
With his resistance to McCarthyism and quantum uncertainty, was Einstein disillusioned at the end?
During the first weeks of marriage Emma occupied herself with Changing their new home, and busied herself with every household task she could think of to keep herself from being utterly disillusioned.
It was past the disillusioned moment which divides the day and night-still and lingering and warm, with hawthorn scent and lilac scent clinging on the riverside air.
Vine, a disillusioned demon, secretly lives with others of his kind in the world of humans sustained by their misery.
Vine, a disillusioned demon, secretly lives with others of his kind in the world of humans sustained by their misery.