Setup has detected stacker disk compression version4.1on your computer.
Over the course of a day, you can lose up to an inch of your height due to intervertebral disk compression.
Disk shrinkage may also help to reduce venous stasis caused by disk compression of vessels, thereby improving local microcirculation and increasing the supply of oxygen.
Teachers often tell beginners to lift their sitting bones in forward bends because beginners tend to round their backs in such poses, which can lead to disk compression and lower-back injuries.
With compression, fewer pages need to be read into memory from disk, making the overall system perform better.
UWE includes support for unlimited data storage, processors, and memory, as well as deep compression that can reduce disk space usage as much as 80 percent while further enhancing performance.
DB2 row compression was designed to reduce disk storage space requirements of database objects.
DB 2行压缩被设计用来减少数据库对象的磁盘存储空间需求。
The second capacity management approach to consider is reducing data on primary disk storage via data deduplication or data compression.
DB2 row compression features can decrease disk storage requirements while at the same time improve sequential read access of large queries which perform full table scans.
DB 2行压缩功能可以减少磁盘存储需求,同时改进执行全表扫描的大量查询的顺序读取访问。
Implementing the three main features we outlined, design compression, document compression, and DAOS, can significantly affect your disk storage requirements and your overall operational costs.
New compression support for XML data and indexes reduces disk space requirements and can improve runtime performance of I/O-bound operations.
新的XML数据和索引压缩支持可以减少所需的磁盘空间,可以提高受I/O 限制的操作的运行时性能。
Using the design compression feature, this metric can be reduced to 11 MB of disk space, a savings of about 19 MB per mail file.
使用设计压缩功能,该标准将降低到11MB,每个邮件文件节省了近19 MB。
The complete definition of that geometry USES 0.9 MB disk space in the Spatial Extender internal format (which USES compression).
按照Spatial Extender内部格式,这个几何图形的完整定义要使用0.9MB的磁盘空间(使用了压缩)。
The compression algorithm is intelligent enough not to compress rows that will not realize in any significant disk-space saving.
In those cases, it might or might not be acceptable to pay the price of compression in terms of increased load time, unless the resulting savings in fewer disk reads or in storage cost is significant.
Reduction in herniated disk volume, as disk shrinkage may reduce nerve root Compression.
On the meantime, it adopts high-efficiency digital video compression technique to save large-scale space in disk.
Thus calculated results are in good coincidence with analytical solution for circle disk and ring in compression.
The mixed mode fracture of center cracked Brazilian disk specimen subjected to diametral compression is analysed by weight function method.
Enabling value compression allows for no disk storage to be consumed by NULL values, zero length data in variable length columns and system default values.
Thereby, the appropriate processing parameters for injection compression molding of optical disk have been obtained.
Some key techniques, such as video sampling, hard disk physical sector reading or writing, video compression and decompression, are discussed in detail.
Conclusion Transient contusion and compression by the cervical herniated disk to the cervical spinal cord. The later is mainly.
For improving the efficiency of making period report, the system stores some period data with different compression ratio, avoiding temporary data taking too much disk space.
It is usually also possible to make a definitive diagnosis in those athletes presenting with nerve root compression who is usually due to herniated o intervertebral disk.
Quit Setup and check your compressed volume with your disk-compression software or removethedisk-cache utility.
Quit Setup and check your compressed volume with your disk-compression software or removethedisk-cache utility.