It is people who report news who present such a distorted image of what other countries are like.
Models will generally be constructed as a distorted image in order to achieve greater depth in the hologram image.
Thus, the differences between original image and distorted image appear as the differences of their self-similarity.
In order to seek an approach which can assess distorted images more accurately, an improved SSIM image Quality Assessment method is proposed.
It has been known for a long time that people have a distorted image of their body, with areas with a high tactile sensitivity enormously exaggerated.
Having obtained the parameters of the camera, the X-ray image can be corrected by searching the undistorted pixel position in the distorted image.
Aiming at a kind of distorted image in the virtual environment, the maths relation of two relative pixels in conjoint distorted images is presented.
The existed image Quality assessment methods hardly can assess distorted image effectively. The result usually can't match up to the human visual assessment.
Correcting the distorted image of camera in calibration process of fringe projection measurement system that can effectively improve the calibration accuracy of system.
To correct original distorted image, three different image correction methods, namely, the physical correction, the global correction, and the local correction, are applied.
To restore the sub image in a rosette scanning system and provide target recognition system with a low distorted image, the sub image is processed with morphological filters.
为了在玫瑰扫描亚成像系统中比较真实地恢复被扫描物体的图像 ,可以用形态学滤波的方法来处理亚图像 。
At the same time, the opposing online community mixes half-truths with prejudices to cement such a negative, distorted image of immigrants that it precludes any balanced immigration policy.
To restore the image of scanned object factually and provide target recognizing system with low distorted image, morphological filters are put forward to process sub-image in this paper.
Our healthy participants had a basically accurate visual image of their own body, but the brain's model of the hand underling position sense was highly distorted.
But the image of God within us is incomplete and has been damaged and distorted by sin.
Additionally, in certain cases, images sizes can be calculated incorrectly, and, as a result, the image might appear distorted.
This may also have implications for treating people who have a distorted self-image, or disorders such as anorexia.
Furthermore, the researcher also found that these male elementary school teachers suffered a distorted humanity due to their longing for an image of "the Strong man".
An early 20th-century style emphasizing emotional expression, strong color and composition, and a distorted, theatrical treatment of image.
We cannot see what we really are, that is the reason why it is so easy to form wrong and distorted self-image of ourselves.
The record seabed image distorted due to the angular beam-width of echo-sounder in bathymetric, especially for gibbous terrain.
However, if you change the refresh rate to a setting that the display or video card cannot support, the display goes blank or the image becomes distorted.
The affected individual has a distorted body image, perceiving self as globally overweight or obsessing about shape and size of particular body parts.
Too often those who failed in their duty have monopolized the headlines and distorted the image of their generation.
The image will be distorted when we take the object's picture with CCD at long range because of atmosphere turbulence. We can't availably recognize and monitor long distance object for this reason.
In today's film and television drama, Wanrong has distorted the image of the entire non-appearance, and the two are Joking Remarks drama and the arts have become increasingly heated controversy.
In bathymetric survey, the record seabed image is distorted due to the angular beam width of an echo sounder.
It is man who has distorted such an image by attributing human traits to God, instead of understanding that every soul is a part of God with the ability to express pure love.
I can't find it! Distorted body image and tactile dysfunction in patients with chronic back pain.
I can't find it! Distorted body image and tactile dysfunction in patients with chronic back pain.