The sun-symbolism of the disc and the Mazdean concept of divine grace are thus combined.
Divine grace is grounded in the sovereign will of the immutable God and is therefore irresistible.
These rituals are called 'sacraments' and are supposed to be a means by which believers receive divine grace.
This goal is not attained as a reward given by a divine grace but as a result of our own realizations of the truth.
Long ago, we were designated by Heaven to watch and use the ways of divine grace and mercy to move you toward the Light.
The new energies pouring through Gaia's new grids are giving you all a chance to use Heaven's Law of divine grace to enhance your life.
When His Divine Grace saw he had no interest in accepting instruction, he mercifully sent him away before he could commit any more offenses.
For some perhaps you have been gifted with the Divine grace of seeing spiritual energy and in that case you will see the Angelic lights blazing all about you.
For Protestants, the sacraments are merely symbolic gestures, whereas Catholics believe that by performing these rites they actually receive divine grace.
As the final series of moves against the dark rolls out, we remain adamant about setting up a new reality that brings the Light and its divine grace into all your lives.
Gnostic writings repeatedly stress divine revelation and the need for both human effort toward realizing gnosis, as well as the need for corresponding divine grace or angelic help.
The trials which come from God are sent to prove and strengthen our graces, and so at once to illustrate the power of divine grace, to test the genuineness of our virtues, and to add to their energy.
Among an unholy, impure, idolatrous generation, we are to be pure and holy, showing that the grace of Christ has power to restore in man the divine likeness.
I flow with grace and ease, abundance and joy, harmony and Love, trusting and surrendering to Life, trusting and surrendering to the Divine.
The power is given names, e. g. divine intervention, imagination, grace, God, but what ever it is called it is a real force.
We have learned a lot during the interim, and now we understand that we have become a divine option whose grace and wisdom is to lead you back to full consciousness.
Justifying grace is not a substance but unmerited divine favor.
Believing is an act of the intellect assenting to the divine truth by command of the will moved by God through grace.
Paul's Divine help when the thorn remained, but the power of Christ rested upon him and the grace of Christ was sufficient.
Attitude: HEART as the force behind the expression of the pose. The practitioner balances an opening to Grace with and ardent aspiration to celebrate her divine nature.
Divine Aegis, Grace, Pain Suppression, Aspiration, Rapture, Borrowed Time, and Penance are all must-haves.
It is not that on the day you wake up, God will sign the divine decree for you and, by His grace, you will be the one at that moment to wake up.
Human beings have sought the awakened state for thousands of years; the fact that ordinary individuals are now able to be given this gift of Grace is in itself a miracle of the Divine.
Human beings have sought the awakened state for thousands of years; the fact that ordinary individuals are now able to be given this gift of Grace is in itself a miracle of the Divine.