Robots take on jobs that are too dangerous for people to do by themselves.
They hate being told what to do by managers, whom they regard as dullards.
The application cache isn't something that you can do by just changing your markup, though.
I always loved running... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power.
Imagine how long it would take to do by hand if you had 100,000 rows of data and wanted 10 clusters.
This is something search engines do by returning, say, 20 results per page, rather than 1 million.
Step 5: the final step is to sign the XML, which you do by calling the sign method on the signer object.
The National Assembly must ratify the terms of accession, which the WTO expects it to do by December 5th.
Germany sees no reason why it should be told what to do by a country that has not made much effort itself.
It is therefore important to ensure that the types do not clash, which you can easily do by using namespaces.
Children should not depend on their parents too much.。 They ought to do what they can do by themselves/on their owm.。
First, lots of things that Snort does by default in restricted directories, it can do by request to non-protected directories.
But GCC won't know this unless we inform it, which is exactly what we do by including % eax and % ecx in the clobbered register set.
This they could do by reconfiguring roles and relationships between “a constellation of actors” —suppliers, partners, customers, and so on.
A better model might be to use sine and cosine functions with a periods of 1 day and 1 year. This we can do by changing the formula to.
They learn to measure the work they do by the number of user stories completed, and they use this number to predict their work for the next iteration.
For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves.
Of course, these two women were only doing what they were instructed to do by their superiors - they're not really interested in who actually gets elected.
One of the lessons from this year's elections in Latin America is that the region's voters, like those elsewhere, dislike being told what to do by outsiders.
We also need our test module to invoke the components we are testing, which we will do by importing suitable interfaces to our test module and wiring them properly.
On the other hand, Shorty can give you random URLs (similar to what most third-party apps do by default), while forces you to decide on your own URLs.
但是另一方面,shorty可以提供随机网址(这点跟大多数第三方应用程序默认做法很相似),而z . i ps . me则需要你选定自己的网址。
The next step is to create the named cursor, which you do by using the GET cursor command along with the necessary SQL query that selects the rows for the cursor.
So although we're able to eat meals together, we're able to go on vacations together and take classes together, death is something we all have to do by ourselves.
The team commits to accomplishing the work that it has agreed to do by the end of the iteration, and individuals commit to doing the work that they say they will do.
Therefore, the next task is to provide some kind of graphical interface in XHTML and PHP, which you can do by adding useful forms to generate powerful Scilab expressions.
And then, when you keep adding force — which we will do by gravity, - we will just hang weights on it — then it starts to bend over, up to a point here which we call the elastic limit.
If you haven't done so, make sure you've completed the steps listed above before proceeding with the rest of this article, which you can easily do by reviewing the previous articles in this series.
You can do well by studying and practicing.
We do this by altering our metabolic rate, shivering or sweating.
We do this by altering our metabolic rate, shivering or sweating.