Sustainable tourism, which differs from other kinds of tourism, will do no harm to our environment.
The upgrade should not reintroduce any previously fixed bugs (first, do no harm).
The results make sense in light of doctors' oath to "do no harm," Greene says.
If in doubt, we should be heedful of the maxim Primum non nocere: first, do no harm.
如果新功能值得怀疑,我们应该谨记格言 Primumnon nocere:首先,不要造成伤害。
An RSPCA spokeswoman said: "Beer contains barley and grain. It'll do no harm in moderation."
The authors end their article by quoting the physicians’ creed: “First ensure you do no harm.”
Another European goal on Wednesday night against Valencia would do no harm in that quest.
Making it bigger will do no harm and could be useful should GRUB's needs change in the future.
The phrase "do no harm" does not appear in the Hippocratic Oath, although most people think it does.
If you can't keep your own negativity at bay, at least try to do no harm by staying out of it.
Some of these transactions will do no harm to the sellers: there are buyers at reasonable prices.
About a third of people carry some form of S. aureus on their skin, where the bacteria do no harm.
Acts 16:28 But Paul called out with a loud voice, saying, Do no harm to yourself, for we are all here.
Choosing proper acid is not only has good reconstructive effect to the layer, but also do no harm to it.
Doctors can continue to do no harm, while researchers brace themselves for exciting, and unsettling, times to come.
Doctors can continue to do no harm, while researchers brace themselves for exciting, and unsettling, times to come.
First Do No Harm: Play a full round without killing any enemies and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players.
So consider making that your specialty (which will do no harm to your own long-term career prospects either, incidentally).
They fear that by blurring the boundary between health and disease, DSM-V loses sight of a doctor's first duty: to do no harm.
The bottom line is that adding vinegar, lemon or lime juice to your meals will do no harm and may help a bit in the battle of the bulge.
There are few clear-cut injunctions along the lines of the Hippocratic oath for doctors, which commands physicians: "First, do no harm."
Armed with such a precept, a number of doctors may slip into deceptive practices that they assume will "do no harm" and may well help their patients.
Providing information about the negative health consequences of obesity will do no harm, and might help prevent some persons from getting or staying obese.
Providing information about the negative health consequences of obesity will do no harm, and might help prevent some persons from getting or staying obese.