I promise you, if I had all this to do over again, I'd have never let you down.
If psychiatrists had it to do over again, most would still choose a career in psychiat
Oh, I have had my moments. But if I had it to do over again, I would have more of them - a lot more.
If I had it to do over again, I would sell my house myself and keep the cash I spent on my realtor.
Armani insists he is no hero. And he says he would handle the Garrow case just the same if he had it to do over again.
Helen Thomas of United Press International, the senior White House correspondent, asked me: if you had it to do over again, would you put on the nation's uniform?
You might think about how you would approach the acquisition process if you had it to do all over again.
If I could live my life over again, I would do things exactly the same way.
This is hopeless. These figures still don't add up right. Let's do the calculations over again.
I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again.
When we do the same movements with our bodies over and over again, we overuse some muscles and that overuse can lead to strain and injury.
If he tried to do something difficult, he kept trying over and over again until he learned how to do it.
This leads to the problem that users that need access to "poorly positioned" content must click through a long path to navigate, and they have to do this over and over again.
At a Fortune breakfast in 2008, Schwarzman even admitted that he wouldn't do the party over again if he could.
Because it mirrors Apple's native UI, users do not have to "learn" how to use it all over again.
When you harvest the grapes in your vineyard, do not go over the vines again.
Maria understood that it was wrong that time and so she had to do it over again: and this time she got the prayer-book.
If given the chance to do it over again, he wouldn't change a thing, including dropping out of college. "For a lot of people, college is a time when they figure out what they want to do," he says.
But I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something he should divorce her and start all over again.
The power of him saying this knocks them all over, and they get up and do it again,and they all fall over again.
If your friends are on new social networks, you will soon be invited and most likely will have to do registrations over and over again.
When we hear those messages over and over and over again, they eventually do what they were designed to do: change the way we think about our stuff.
Oh, I've had my moments, and if I had to do it over again, I'd have more of them.
Disturbingly, there are plenty of signs that we might well be prepared to do it to ourselves all over again.
When you do the same sequence over and over again, your memory can be partially automatized so you have the ability to do another task concurrently.
It's something that we have to do over and over again, that is, making up the world.
We can do this using live animals and revisit the results over and over again.
Because they are teaching the same material over and over again, they can do an excellent job with teaching most subjects, including maths.
Most said they loved their wives more now than on their wedding day -- and would do it all over again.
Prepared statements are recompiled for better performance and are convenient when you need to do the same thing over and over again.