After we ask — and sometimes repeatedly insist — that he do work around the house like unloading the dishwasher, something always seems to get broken or cracked.
In the afternoon, our mum makes us do some homework—well, not homework, but more work around the house.
Stay-at-home veteran: "Well, for starters, you can train the kids to do a little bit of work around the house."
Plus, we stopped eating out as much, I starting making my own lunch, I do all the yard work myself and as much do-it yourself stuff around the house as possible.
We've got so much work to do around the world," Clinton said. "None of that will happen if John McCain is in the White House."
Though women do less work around the house than they used to, the jobs they do tend to be the never-ending ones, like tidying, cooking and laundry.
Making him do all the work on their farm and all the chores around the house.
I'd prefer to work in the moring because I have a lot of work to do around the house every day.
I'd prefer to work in the moring because I have a lot of work to do around the house every day.