The organization shall retain documented information on the environmental objectives.
The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the results of management reviews.
Documented information describing the results of the review, including any new or changed requirements for the products and services, shall be retained.
The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken, and the results of any corrective action.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure to create, update and control the documented information associated with the environmental management system.
NOTE Access implies a decision regarding the permission to review the documented information only, or the permission and authority to view and change the documented information, etc.
Where traceability is a requirement, the organization shall control the unique identification of the process outputs, and retain any documented information necessary to maintain traceability.
Use cases include a fair amount of information, information that can easily be documented in a common format.
When documented adequately, the previous information should provide a good description of the system context diagram.
The STAB debug format is a poorly documented, semi-standard format for debugging information in COFF and ELF object files.
This information may have been available before 1.3, but it was not as well documented, and certainly not as well encapsulated.
在 1.3 发布版之前可能也提供这些信息,但它的归档没有这么好,并且封装也没有这么好。
Comments documented within the scripts offer more information about the tasks that each performs.
The information stored in these systems may be in a variety of binary formats, some of which are no longer properly documented.
The effort required to define the work depends on the amount of information and the level of detail that need to be understood and documented.
Each MDA transformation must be well documented, providing samples, guidance, and support information.
This attribute is part of Backend Integration packaging, but it is not documented in the Information Center.
The Twitter API is a well documented specification — for more information, see the Twitter API wiki..
TwitterAPI是一个很好的规范——要了解更多信息,请参见Twitter API wiki。
All these optimizations could be done by hand, and none are proprietary or secret (in fact, they're also documented in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center).
Adverse events attributable to adjuvants need to be documented and reviewed, and the information made available. That is another important role for WHO.
Ensure your company has documented and disseminated to all employees information about privacy and how your organization is compliant and what steps must be taken in the event of a breach.
Sixty percent of organizations we surveyed in February 2007 said that they are either in the process of developing, or have already documented, an Information Workplace strategy.
The format of this information is documented by each distribution and is the same for all architectures (i386, Power, etc.).
The actual trace output format is consistent across all available WebSphere Application Server trace strings, and is documented in the Information Center. The basic format is
Details regarding the introduction or referral should be documented so that the information obtained can be effectively used to assist in the verification of the prospective customer.
Of the 827 documented killings of journalists over the past decade, the information at hand shows that only 8 percent of perpetrators were held to account.
Records management strategies should be documented in a strategic plan, such as an Information management strategic plan, which should be incorporated into organization-wide planning documentation.
Records management strategies should be documented in a strategic plan, such as an Information management strategic plan, which should be incorporated into organization-wide planning documentation.