One dog has been killed and multiple dogs have been injured by a snowmobile driver in what appears to be an intentional attack on competitors in the Iditarod Race in Alaska.
"Let me tell you about my dog," the driver said patiently.
His team was hit by a snowmobile driver, injuring several dogs and killing a 3-year-old male dog.
The mob of dog lovers finally won the standoff by pooling together more than $17, 000 to pay off the truck driver.
"A careful driver is known by the fenders he keeps." answered the dog, assuredly.
It's about the life of a race car driver, told from the perspective of his dog, Enzo!
The driver of the van was not able to stop in time when the dog rushed out suddenly from a building.
The driver of the van was not able to stop in time when the dog rushed out suddenly from a building.