So did seeing many of my over-leveraged friends blow up when the dot-com bubble burst.
The overvaluations of the dot-com bubble were clear to all — even if all thought they could make money as the extreme got more extreme.
Indeed, she said the Street faced a "resizing" not seen since the cutbacks that followed the bursting of the dot-com bubble a decade ago.
To explain the situation, Hougland turns to an analogy that has become ominously common when describing social media — the dot-com bubble.
Real celebrated its centenary last year, but as a modern business it reminds a football economist of a recent phenomenon: the dot-com bubble.
The bursting of the dot-com bubble and the high-tech industry recession after 2000 resulted in the loss of jobs for many Chinese professionals.
While these ads yielded small amounts of money compared to banner ads at the time, as the dot-com bubble burst, this system became our life preserver.
About those precedents: Why did so many observers dismiss the obvious signs of a housing bubble, even though the 1990s dot-com bubble was fresh in our memories?
The report notes that employment in computing has recovered somewhat, after falling sharply after the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, to account for 3.76 million jobs.
Looking back, Mittelstaedt acknowledges that he got complacent during the dot-com bubble, forgetting a lesson his father had taught him. "My dad is also a pilot," he says.
The dot-com bubble turned into the tech bubble and both eventually burst, wiping out not only newcomers like WorldCom, but also established names such as Lucent Technologies and Nortel.
在dot - com泡沫变成了高科技泡沫最终都破灭,消灭了,不仅像世通公司的新人,而且还建立了诸如朗讯科技和北电的名字。
Unlike the dot-com companies at the heart of the last speculative investment bubble, the new gold rush was centered on something that seemed unimpeachably solid — the American home.
In her award winning documentary, We Live in Public, Ondi Timoner profiles Josh Harris, a dot com millionaire from the Web 1.0 bubble.
在这部获奖的纪录片中,OndiTimoner 聚焦了一位来自网络公司Web 1.0 bubble的百万富翁JoshHarris。
Since the dot. com bubble burst more than a decade ago, two popular categories in Wharton's Business Plan Competition (BPC) have been health care and retail.
Since the dot. com bubble burst more than a decade ago, two popular categories in Wharton's Business Plan Competition (BPC) have been health care and retail.