They seemed like so many little flags dotted about the schoolroom.
There were a few sheep dotted about in the fields, but no other signs of life.
Not so long ago, downtown shops could at least claim to offer an urban alternative to the strip malls and boxy stores dotted about the suburbs.
Clare was now so familiar with the spot that he knew the individual cows by their names when, a long distance off, he saw them dotted about the meads.
In this lull before the onset of thousands, sporadic visitors are dotted about, sitting down, enjoying the early summer breeze, and posing for photographs.
The researchers used microarrays, chips dotted with specific sequences of DNA, to screen centenarians in the study for about 30, 000 common genetic variations.
And to have a 50% gray displayed, you need an image value of about 75% (you can see the red dotted line).
The dotted lines in the graph indicate the flow of information between activities, which is something that I will explain a bit more in depth once I get to the part about creating a WSFL global model.
Never accept the job immediately. Say you need to think about it overnight. Once you sign on the dotted line there's no room for negotiation.
This is the magical thing about this human, dotted with humanity to create the world, to beautify the world.
Stars idling about the dotted with broad sky.
He looked about him and found he was on a wide common, dotted with patches of gorse and bramble as far as he could see.
He looked about him and found he was on a wide common, dotted with patches of gorse and bramble as far as he could see.