It ruins a book to double back the pages as a bookmark.
As it grows outward, it runs out of room and is forced to double back into a horseshoe shape.
Ancient poems said "mountains multiply and streams double back no doubt, there is a way out."
The roads leading to the most beautiful places always twist and turn and double back on themselves.
Add a fixed roll based on the single back rest system, forming a double back rest system, then analysis.
Whether you need to double back and revisit some old code, write some more test cases, or even delay a deadline — do it.
Whether you need to double back and revisit some old code, write some more test cases, or even delay a deadline — do it.
One has to rush to work in the morning and double back home at night, fighting one's way through crowds and traffic snarls.
As a kid on Halloween, did she double back and trick-or-treat at the same house twice because they gave out full-size Baby Ruths?
That January, mountains multiply and streams double back, as well as brilliance, only to find you the fingertip left temperature.
Apply a single generous coat of Fired Crackle Color. Be careful not to double back. Crackle effect will begin immediately until dry.
The moon cycle, dreamlike, light on the half of the cool, keep a clear, hand double back, light walking, sitting before the mirror and dressing.
At present heat rate calculate of the double back pressure turbine is according to single back pressure turbine, which brings deviation of heat rate calculate.
Determination method of optimal back-pressure for optimizing operation of double back-pressure condensers in large-scale power plants has been put forward, and computation model being given.
I just come back with my black coffee and my double espresso mocha latte skinny frothed, except it isn't espresso.
In the US, studies have shown that doubling the size of a road can simply double the traffic, taking us back to the starting point.
Certainly, all three operators-the single, double, and back quotation marks-serve a valid purpose, but like exceptions in English, memorizing and mastering the variations can be maddening.
(" It'll feel like you're giving yourself a double chin, "says Queiros.) feel the stretch in the back of your skull and then relax.
There were double yellow no parking lines in the narrow road outside Aziraphale's bookshop, but they obediently rolled back on themselves when the Bentley pulled in to the curb.
This causes the device to double the current multiplication factor, reset the alarm using the current timer value as the base, and go back to waiting for the next event.
If that means missing favorite TV shows, meet-ups with friends, or double-shifts, then so be it until you're back to your normal self again, otherwise everything suffers.
Actually, you can only vote once per entry per IP address, though some say they have been able to double-back (I'll admit to trying and failing to do so).
Our chart shows only the average length of time it takes to reach the office-double that when you add the trip back home.
Our chart shows only the average length of time it takes to reach the office-double that when you add the trip back home.