Use the extra money to make double or triple payments on these debts, focusing first on the one with the highest interest rate.
The unemployment rate hit 10.2% in October, up sharply from 9.8% in September, the first time it has reached double digits since 1983.
The economy grew at just a 1.8% annual rate in the first quarter and probably only a little faster in the second. Though not a double dip that barely qualifies as a recovery.
The sorption kinetics included the initial fast phase and the final slow phase. The first-order kinetic reaction and double constant rate equation could describe the sorption kinetics well.
First, we obtain the empirical Bayesian estimator of the scale parameter for the double exponential distribution based on LINEX loss function and the convergence rate of the estimate.
It dipped to 9 percent in the third quarter of this year, the first growth rate below double digits in five years.
It dipped to 9 percent in the third quarter of this year, the first growth rate below double digits in five years.