Thank you for coming in Dragon Warrior Noodles and Tofu.
That is bad news, if you don't believe that the dragon warrior can stop him.
Unless you think that the great Oogway was wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior.
Thank you, dragon warrior. Now I have restored my honor and the honor of my village.
As the Dragon Warrior frees the animal spirits he will take on their appearance and abilities.
By who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power to become the dragon warrior?
但是谁呢?谁值得信赖,可以受之以这无穷的力量而成为真龙大侠呢? !
The golden ladle? Thank you, dragon warrior. Now I have restored my honor and the honor of my village.
Po, the Dragon Warrior, joining the Furious Five, lives a peaceful life with them and his Master Shifu.
And now he has a chance to make things right. To; train the true Dragon Warrior. And hes stuck with you.
He learns that Po is the dragon warrior and is pleased that there is finally a worthy opponent to take part in a legendary battle with.
When we last left Po, he was living the dream as the Dragon Warrior and protecting the Valley of the Peace with his friends the Furious Five.
It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single Gingko leaf and the energy of the universe.
Po this martial arts layman destined to become the dragon warrior finally defeat the evil leopard, no matter how much this opportunity, in the view is slim.
By the end of the original Kung Fu Panda, Po (Jack Black) had proved himself as the new Dragon Warrior and, ergo, the most awesome martial-arts bear the world has ever known.
By the end of the original Kung Fu Panda, Po (Jack Black) had proved himself as the new Dragon Warrior and, ergo, the most awesome martial-arts bear the world has ever known.