A practical method of extracting drainage network of watershed from DEM is introduced in this paper.
Wobei exploration district is a drainage network area, it is hard to carry out seismic construction.
Cesspits and cesspools shall be available in the catering trade not within the service sectors of drainage network.
A set of algorithms for extracting drainage network from digital elevation model (DEM) based on ground water overflow model is introduced.
This paper presents the hydrologic network design and hydrometry method in the Pearl River Delta, which is very complex in drainage network.
Method combining DEM with stream network leads to a more accurate drainage network from surface runoff modeling, especially for flat area. Method of modifying existing DEM by add…
Sewage treatment plants, urban drainage network transformation, rivers, such as the comprehensive rectification of the large number of key construction projects has lagged far behind.
In addition to all the civil construction works, it includes outdoor road project, general drainage network, electricity network, septic tank, power distribution and transformer house.
As one of the major venous circuits of the extrahepatic portal circulation, the venous arcades of the pancreatic head forms the venous drainage network of the pancreas, jointly with some …
The drainage network codification method of Digital Watershed Model makes it possible to locate any section of drainage network directly and operate the topological relationship effectively.
Promote MEA brand and exterior drainage product , establish and maintenance clients network.
The existing public network for waste water drainage is along south side of the plot and the system is pressurized.
The flow in the drainage pipe network is simulated by one-dimensional unsteady flow theory, and the calculation of the pumping stations, the water gates and submersed pipes is indicated.
We have designed and have developed the JGY-1 type laser pipeline aligning instrument for rising the accuracy and the productivity of the construction of city drainage pipeline network.
The results of estimation show that BP neural network can estimate farmland drainage accurately with the largest relative error only of-2.45%.
The paper point out safety problem which city drainage management make use of network in detail.
Read blueprints, drawings and specifications to determine layout of plumbing system, water supply network and waste and drainage systems.
No drainage entity may drain sewage into the urban drainage pipe network and its accessory facilities if it fails to obtain an urban drainage license.
The water quality evolvement process in Yangtze River drainage area is believed as a complex network system, with having lots of nodes and correlating to the downflow.
As the rapid process of city infrastructure construction and urbanization, how to protect the safe operation of urban drainage pipeline network is an urgent problem.
The city drainage pipeline network needs comprehensive monitoring to keep its operation safety.
Article 3 to drain sewage into the urban drainage pipe network and its accessory facilities, a drainage entity shall apply for an urban drainage license in accordance with these Measures.
Pipe network facilities like water supply, drainage, sewage, electricity, gas, heat, communication and cable TV are available to those enterprises in the zone.
In order to improve gas drainage volume, gas drainage on fully mechanized caving face and gas drainage pipeline network system are analyzed.
Drainage: Drainage pipeline in the zone connects with municipal pipeline network, so as to make sure that sewage discharges smoothly.
Drainage: Drainage pipeline in the zone connects with municipal pipeline network, so as to make sure that sewage discharges smoothly.