Place your templates on one of the cork mats and draw around them with your pencil.
Some man have a great destiny, they must draw around themselves a circle that encloses many, many more.
They must draw around themselves a circle that encloses many, many more. Your father was one of those men.
Most tellingly, perhaps, chimpanzees do not draw as much information from the world around them as we do.
Use the pointy end to lightly draw circles around, but not quite touching his headlights.
They did not become animators to draw a picture of a girl turned around. The reason why we employed 30 new faces is that we drive them hard.
Well, if you don't quite close it all the way around, so I can try to, indeed, draw some sort of doughnut here.
My impulse is to share them, to draw a circle of stillness around them so they can touch and inspire others.
You could also pass 1 to draw a complete border around the cell, or a string to indicate specific borders' sides.
After the text has been drawn on the image, put a thin black box around the text and draw a line from the bottom of the box to the associated data point.
Humans can draw on a vast unconscious vocabulary of movements—we know how to politely move around someone in our path, how to sense when we're invading someone's personal space.
It is simplyimpossible to draw a boundary around any disease entity, let alone its causes.
Look around you now and draw the cup on the table, or the books on the shelf.
We could not lightly draw water after dark, for there were snakes swimming in the pools or clustering in knots around their brinks.
What if you could take your trusty drawing pen and simply scan any color you want and then turn around and draw with it?
Rather than just donate money, he set out to create an organisation that would make a genuine difference and draw upon the power of individuals around the world.
Place your arms around the left knee and gently draw it across the body, keeping the foot on the floor and your body central.
After the presentation, display all the information sheets on the wall around the map. Draw Iines to join the sheets with the countries on the map.
Despite a worst-in-test 700 lumens (claimed) on a 14-watt draw, the EcoSmart didn’t seem particularly dim. And the globelike casing around the coil gave this CFL a nice, even glow.
A Group is simply a way to draw a boundary around other elements in a business process model.
The roughly 60 percent in the mushy middle steered around conflicts between evolution and creationism or taught both and let students draw their own conclusions. (Always such a good idea….)
Also join us for the Lx3 weekly challenge as we draw inspiration from cities, countries and places around the world to make some pretty darn awesome palettes and patterns.
参加我们的每周Lx 3挑战,为我们带来全球各城、各国、各地令人惊奇的配色方案和样式。
But two decades after TV's Murphy Brown caused a public furor by having a child without a husband around, many people still draw the line when it comes to single motherhood.
当初美国经典喜剧《墨菲布朗》讲述了女主人公墨菲·布朗(Murphy Brown)没有丈夫却独自抚养孩子的事情,一时引起美国社会轰动,如今20年过去了,但在提及单身妈妈时,大多数美国人仍然拒不容忍。
These bricks draw circles around the garden, demarcating pockets for different activities.
To have smoky eyes, you need a thick eyeliner. Use the eyeliner draw a line around your eyelids and smudge smudge it gently.
It is not possible to draw clear boundaries around a language or a dialect in terms of pronunciation, writing system, or grammatical features.
It is not possible to draw clear boundaries around a language or a dialect in terms of pronunciation, writing system, or grammatical features.