In drip irrigation system, the most effective length has great influence to the distribution and design of the system pipe networks.
The effective hemisphere model (EHM) lodged by BenAsher can apply in drip irrigation system design and field crop soil water management.
由Ben - A sher等提出的等效半球模型EHM (EffectiveHemisphereModel)可用于滴灌系统设计和田间滴灌作物土壤水分的管理。
The drip irrigation system has the advantages of homogeneous irrigation, water saving, fertilizer saving and convenient and flexible use.
One of these technologies is fertigation, which is the direct application of water and nutrients to plants through a drip irrigation system.
Emitter is the most important equipment in drip irrigation system. Its capability directly influences the quality and cost of drip irrigation.
There are some tools needed for the installation of your drip irrigation system, but they are generally tools that are commonly found in most households.
This water will be purified by a simple mechanical filter and will be used for the irrigation of the landscape with a high efficiency drip irrigation system.
The pressure stable is the premise that it is have high irrigation quality and assuring the drip irrigation system safety, so the Pressure-regulated is necessary.
Drip emitters are key functional parts in the drip irrigation system, whose performance and cost determine the operating costs and efficiencies of the entire drip irrigation system.
Adding a rain sensor or converting part of your system to drip irrigation can also save a lot of water.
Irrigation uniformity is used as weighing the quality of drip system.
Drip irrigation is the most water-saving irrigation technology with high efficiency. However, its expensive system cost seriously restricts extension and utilization of the technology.
Bubbler irrigation is one type of the micro-irrigation. It aims directly at apparatus blockade problem of drip-irrigation system in China.
Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is one of the water saving irrigation system, with its obvious advantages and some disadvantages.
地下滴灌系统是很重要的一种节水灌溉系统 ,有其显著的优点 ,也存在许多缺点。
The results showed: compared with traditional irrigation, drip irrigation under plastic mulch could reduce the height of cotton, lessen the number of cast bolls and centralize the root system.
Research on soil moisture movement of drip irrigation, is the right design system and the premise and basis of field crops to high water management.
Coiling using drip irrigation with the torque motor control, equipped with speed control system, effectively overcome the tension defects.
Coiling using drip irrigation with the torque motor control, equipped with speed control system, effectively overcome the tension defects.