You use this list to populate the drop-down combo box for the view against which your mail rules execute.
When you create a new Book, the automatically generated (scaffolded) HTML form offers a drop-down combo box, limiting your choices to a list of existing Publishers.
With a standard drop-down list, the user is limited to choices in the list, but with a combo box, the user can enter a value that is not in the list.
All together, there is a text input box with a label, a spinner (a combo box or a drop-down) with a label, a button, and a another text area for output.
In addition to presenting reports from the server, the client also includes ease of use features such as a drop down combo box to select report view types directly in the client.
You can also set the vertical size of the drop-down portion of the combo box.
For information on enlarging the drop-down portion of a combo box, see Setting the Size of the combo box and Its drop-down List.
For information on enlarging the drop-down portion of a combo box, see Setting the Size of the combo box and Its drop-down List.