I often see them looking at their phones when getting off the bus or at parents' drop-off, they can't use their own "screens" at school.
In addition, there is a household hazardous waste drop-off station for chemicals (paints, pesticides, other chemicals) that are banned from the landfill.
But as I approached the steep drop-off, I stopped and froze.
The drop-off in demand from the West has clobbered Japan's export economy.
On average, the results showed a 30% drop-off compared to the speed coming into the home.
When the group finally does stop for parts, Badger emails them asking for a cargo drop-off.
Yet Rubin's observations found no drop-off at all in the stars' velocities further out in a galaxy.
Hitwise's Clickstream report also shows a drop-off in new users that are coming to Twitter since April.
Hit wise的点击流量(Clickstream)报告显示自从四月份以来Twitter的新用户在减少。
Figure 2 shows the answer: reviewing faster than 400 LOC per hour results in a severe drop-off in effectiveness.
It just depends on consumers taking initiative and getting them to the appropriate battery recycling drop-off sites.
Isotopes of carbon in tree rings and beryllium in ice cores show a drop-off in solar radiation during much of the period.
A more common approach is for colleges to introduce blunt language into drop-off schedules specifying the hour for last hugs.
But we have put the sign up at the drop-off point because it is not a very big area and it often gets busy with lots of traffic.
I encourage clients to personally donate their possessions to a family member, a child in the neighborhood or a drop-off at a volunteer event.
Pickup and drop-off points are usually near transportation hubs, like Pennsylvania Station in New York City, or the Metro Center subway stop in Washington.
In the limo company example, the trip MCs might subscribe to events that report trip dispatching, passenger pick-up, passenger drop-off, heavy traffic, and car incidents.
"Unlike world leaders," say the summit's organizers, "young people are refusing to let it drop off the plan."
Right after that pleasant news, he had to drive to the local Goodwill store to drop off the stuff to be given away.
Take hold of a sentence that he says. Shake it well till all the words drop off.
抓住他说的句子好好咀嚼直至每一个词都消化.剩下来的 将点燃你的心灵.
We tried two mattresses zipped together, separate duvets - but I need the radio on to drop off, and it keeps her awake.
If the fat continues to drop off over the next few months, it will be fantastic.
One day she sent my mom over to drop off an eviction notice because he kept parking his truck and motorcycle on the front lawn.
In the subtropical oceans, by contrast, phytoplankton populations drop off in summer.
Hardware and home stores (such as home Depot) often have locations in the store where you can drop off old batteries for safe disposal.
Here's why: the next time you drop off a prescription order, you might see a robot behind the counter.
It will stop 200 metres from M + and drop off 60 million passengers a year.
It will stop 200 metres from M + and drop off 60 million passengers a year.