Select project name using "project area" drop down list box for which you want to connect.
With a standard drop-down list, the user is limited to choices in the list, but with a combo box, the user can enter a value that is not in the list.
In this case it creates a search form with a text box for entering tags, a drop-down list of categories, and a search button for requesting a search.
In the sample application we show four items, a label, a drop-down list, an image, and a text box.
In the dialogue box that displays, enter SAMPLEDB as the Data source name and choose SAMPLEDB from the drop-down list for the Database alias.
You use this list to populate the drop-down combo box for the view against which your mail rules execute.
Indeed, I found that a drop-down list box is a good replacement for the style sheet field.
The result is a list of inventory items that appear on the screen when the user selects a new type from the drop-down box on the page.
When you create a new Book, the automatically generated (scaffolded) HTML form offers a drop-down combo box, limiting your choices to a list of existing Publishers.
To create the grid, loop through each row, and for each box, create a drop-down list by looping through each of the entry elements in the templates instance.
The Configuration dialog box shows the configurable test environments in a drop-down list. From the test environment list, do the following
Select the Submap box between the two business objects and select Custom from the drop down list.
In the connection Settings dialog box, select the "Allow connections to one of the following" option, and then select DMA from the list in the drop-down box as shown in figure 2.
在connectionSettings对话框中,选择“Allowconnectionsto one of thefollowing”选项,然后在图2所示的下拉列表框中选择dma。
In the encryption dialog box, select the "Locally encrypt this database using" option, and then select the appropriate level of encryption from the drop-down list.
在Encryption对话框中,选择“Locallyencrypt thisdatabaseusing”选项,然后从下拉列表中选择合适的加密等级。
You can select a color name from the drop-down list, or you can click the adjacent ellipsis (. ) Button to display the Color Picker dialog box and choose additional colors.
To choose a new database, select one from the drop-down list or type the database name into the text box.
The trends tab offers a drop down list of top ten trending topics (Chris Brown being the current most discussed topic), and the search box allows you to search in real time on any topic.
Workspaces drop-down list box in the toolbar, and select the workspace that you want to use.
To choose a different server, select one from the drop-down list or type the server name into the text box.
Connection Properties dialog box, expands the drop-down list containing all the available servers.
For information on enlarging the drop-down portion of a combo box, see Setting the Size of the combo box and Its drop-down List.
Update Rule and choose an action from the drop-down list box to the left of the property.
Update Rule and choose an action from the drop-down list box to the left of the property.