Some viewers of her cooking show, The French Chef, insist they saw child drop lamb on the floor and pick it up, with the advice that if they were alone in the kitchen, their guests would never know.
When you drop a piece of food on the floor, is it really OK to eat if you pick it up within five seconds?
It's possible that rain on the desert floor could turn to thin sheets of ice when temperatures drop at night.
Take one of them and pull off the petals. Drop the petals on the floor leading to the bedroom and place several petals on the bed.
The experimenter pretended to accidentally drop one of the objects on the floor, and reached for it while looking at the toddler, waiting up to 30 seconds for the toddler to help her by picking it up.
Disastrous was the way one trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange described the drop in US shares on Thursday.
Items that can shatter should always be on the floor where they can roll, rather than drop.
If you have a bag or a case, put it on the floor beside your chair. Do not clutch it nervously or, worse still, drop it, spilling everything.
In dilapidated schools across the country today, children sit on the floor because there aren't enough desks. Many drop out before they finish sixth grade.
He quickly added: "If I were to drop a piece of watermelon on my relatively clean kitchen floor, I'm telling you, man, it's going in the compost."
Then have him, " he said, motioning for his guards to drop Sarven on the floor."
An absolutely fabulous test. As I mentioned on my blog, two of the puzzles made my jaw drop to the floor with how well constructed and interesting they were.
And besides, I know how to paint. I will just cover everything with drop cloth. I won't get anything on the floor.
Do you think I'm going to invite you here again if all you can do is continue your private arguments and drop cigarette ash on the floor?
Every time David went to the library, he was to drop an envelope addressed to himself on the floor.
On this basis, it is through a series of experiments, including drop hammer experiment, high-speed rotating floor experiment and dynamic simulation experiment to test the performance of the receiver.
On this basis, it is through a series of experiments, including drop hammer experiment, high-speed rotating floor experiment and dynamic simulation experiment to test the performance of the receiver.