Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry, the latest models being entirely automatic and able to wash and dry a large quantity of clothes in a few minutes.
After being put through 100 wash-and-dry cycles in a washing machine and folded 10,000 times, the cloth remained almost unchanged.
If you are hand washing dishes, wash, dry and put away ALL of the dishes before you start on the next item.
When your mouth gets dry, there isn't enough saliva to wash away dead cells.
Sensors tell the machine when it's full of laundry and automatically starts the wash and dry cycles.
Properly disposed of it, wash and dry the deep fryer according to manufacturer directions, and replace it with fresh liquid grease.
Before assembling your breast pump, wash your hands thoroughly for at least 10 to 15 seconds, and dry them with a clean cloth or paper towel.
Make a firming mask from a beaten egg and a tablespoon of baking soda, Borba says. Brush mixture onto face and let dry for eight minutes, and then gently wash off with warm water.
I looked stunning and Talia gave me a comic book to read to wait for it to dry so she could wash my hair.
Washables can have a lower carbon footprint, but only if you have an energy-efficient washing machine, use a 60-degree wash cycle, limit yourself to 24 nappies, and don't tumble dry or iron them.
We can hardly wait for the day a genius inventor designs a gadget that can wash, dry, fold, press and hang our clothes without human intervention.
To prevent fresh berries from turning to mush in the freezer, wash the fruit thoroughly, pat it dry, and place on a cookie sheet.
Wash and dry a bunch of Swiss chard, and then chop the leaves and stems into 1-inch pieces.
An infallible remedy for toothache: wash the root if an aching tooth in vinegar, and let it dry half an hour in the sun.
On returning home, remove, wash and dry the clothing. Many blacklegged ticks and lone star ticks can survive a warm or hot water wash, but they cannot withstand one hour in a hot dryer.
很多黑脚硬蜱和孤星蜱(lone startticks)能忍受温水或热水冲洗,但电吹风作热风用下,仅一小时,就一命呼呼。
After curing remove meat from the brine, wash, and hang up to dry for 24 hours.
Wash the wafers with mixed acid, lotion and UPW (ultra pure water) by ultrasonic cleaning in wet sinks to get a clean and dry surface of wafers.
Wedding wash, dry thoroughly, can collection, to be stored in a cool dry place, such as a closet or under the bed.
Wash care matters: do not clean with alkali sanding or PC board, do not use hard and dry cloth or brush appearance, avoid hair picture.
Wash and dry your jeans before any alterations. This will ensure that shrinkage is accounted for.
Denim aficionados know that jeans usually require breaking to look their best, but there's an art to how to wear, wash and dry them to achieve that desired look.
Who has the time to hand wash bras? Machine wash them in cold water in a mesh zipper bag and drape them over a hanger to air dry.
When your mouth gets dry, there isnt enough saliva to wash away dead cells.
Touch panel interface, quick cleaning parameters setting: Chemical temperature/wash time, resin time/temperature, and dry time/temperature etc.
With a mild detergent, wash the area around the puncture. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Carefully towel blot your hair dry after a wash. Avoid tangles as it can damage the hair perm.
Methods Suppose washing method a and method B. a: directly put medical instrument into automatic cleaning sterilizer, wash, sterilize and dry it step by step.
Methods Suppose washing method a and method B. a: directly put medical instrument into automatic cleaning sterilizer, wash, sterilize and dry it step by step.