I find, on looking over my diary, nothing of any consequence has taken place during the last month.
Many obstetricians now prescribe acyclovir to pregnant women with herpes during the last month before delivery.
The number of males who reported that they had had at least one alcoholic drink daily during the last month was 71.
The number of females who reported that they had had at least one alcoholic drink daily during the last month was 11.
The number of persons who reported that they had had at least one alcoholic drink daily during the last month was 81.
In a 2007 survey of 496 college students, 51 percent reported consuming at least one energy drink during the last month.
The number of males who reported that they had had at least one alcoholic drink less than one day per week during the last month was 120.
The number of females who reported that they had had at least one alcoholic drink less than one day per week during the last month was 106.
The number of persons who reported that they had had at least one alcoholic drink less than one day per week during the last month was 239.
During the last month you (security analyst) have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of attempts at Cisco router and UNIX Server logins.
Besides the increase in fetal weight during the last month of pregnancy the dry matter content of the fetuses increases from 12 to 19 percent.
During the last month he also spent hours to educate people in this forum so there is a bunch of very smart guys that can take over and give him a well-earned rest.
During the last month, Fve been checking the machines which are reported in troubles since the day I arrived here, and find that something goes wrong with the machine engines.
Eleven Chinese films were shown during the 7th Chinese Film Festival in France last month.
You can schedule probes to run daily, weekly, during the first or last week of the month, or at almost any other time.
The New York Fed said it made the revision to the companies' estimated value during a quarterly update performed at the end of last month.
The phalax was found together with other artifacts during a month-long expedition last June to the tiny coral atoll believed to be Earhart's final resting place.
在今年6 月一次历时一个月的考察中,在据信为Earhart最终落脚地点的小型珊瑚环礁上发现了这块指骨和一些其他的人造制品。
During my last hospitalization, in one group therapy session, we were asked to draw a picture of how we saw ourselves in the next month.
Imported goods are being replenished since 26th last month, I believe the stockpile could ensure the goods supply during and after the May day holiday.
As for expectant mothers, they must be treated during their last month of pregnancy to lessen the odds of a breakout during childbirth.
During the last 12 months, an average of up to 200 food safety incidents per month have been investigated by WHO and FAO to determine their public health impact.
He was criticised for being drunk during the 2000 election campaign, and derided for talking about "expenditure" when he meant "revenue" in an address to parliament last month.
Raymond Davis is accused of shooting and killing two Pakistanis during an alleged attempted robbery in the eastern city of Lahore last month.
Li Fangping, a lawyer who argued Xiao Wu's case during a three-hour trial last month, said the judge's decision defied logic.
NATO bombing continues to support the opposition on the eastern front, but it is much more sporadic than during the early days of coalition air strikes late last month.
The glasses were unveiled last month during the International Vision Expo East in New York and are set for a U.S. release this summer.
When they fail even briefly - during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, say, or in Cumbria just last month - we know the consequences.
They have plenty of reason to be cautious, considering the hammering that share - and bondholders took during the firm's two-month dash through the bankruptcy courts last year.
If the current date is December 15, the last completed month is November, so all instances with Creation Time during November, the last completed month, will be displayed.
This is an 83 per cent increase on the time spent on these sites during the same month last year.