It lays theory foundation for simulating space docking dynamics process.
Conclusion: The rat hepatocyte displayed a proliferating, senescent and apoptotic cell dynamics process.
It is a complicated dynamics process when reinforced concrete fame structures are demolished by controlling blasting.
The dynamics process of multi-component evaporation was analyzed and the evaporation process was carried out in three stages.
A new model such as the causal evolution model of spin networks is needed to describe a dynamics process of loop quantum gravity.
To calculate the accelerator dynamics process to contain the buncher (pulse beam current) system is a new characteristic of LEADS program.
This paper studies quantum correlations of quantum systems and the basic dynamics process, which initiates the forming of quantum correlations.
Pu LM. Yu HJ and Chen DZ. Continuous ant colony system and its application in dynamics process optimization. Jounal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese University.
And it also studies the dynamics process between 2, 4-dcp concentration and aerobic microorganism breathing rate, which is proved to be the bio-chemical first class dynamics reaction.
研究了2,4 -DCP浓度与好氧菌呼吸速率的动力学过程,证明其为生化一级动力学反应。
The discrete model of the thermal dynamics process of precision machine was used to establish a new method called singular value decomposition algorithm for identifying these characteristics.
Alkyl glucoside without poison and with high haemolysis active can be used to change the dynamics process of effective matter and raise the skin absorption in the medicine and cosmetic industry.
The dynamics of this process, as informed by the work of the winners, are of great importance.
But, as with all the principles that I introducedin the first book, there is muchmore to the dynamics of this applied thought process than mayhave seemed evident on firstglance.
Specific Process Services supporting a user interface are unlikely to be able to be generalized to a B2B channel where the dynamics of the interactions are fundamentally different.
In general, RUP satisfies organizational demands by bringing a structured and proven process framework to the table, and Scrum patterns can add additional dynamics to the project.
Yet one of the interesting dynamics of this process will be the pressure that builds up from the outside for China to open its markets more quickly than policymakers intend.
As the GDM code says, "it's hard to be event controlled while maintaining state," so we add our own state-monitoring variables and data structures to process the keystroke-dynamics functions.
By recognition of work condition, off-line identification and on-line optimization of parameters, hybrid model can be used to simulate dynamics of complex process correctly in a large scale.
Then, the neural networks model is applied to identify and process input data, design suitable networks layer for the vehicle longitude dynamics system control.
The change of groundwater level dynamics is a complicate hydrological process. It is important to predict exactly the change of groundwater level in exploiting water resources.
The dynamics of drying process is investigated by step change response in a open-loop.
Computational multibody dynamics and virtual prototyping technology are brand new modeling and analysis methods for simulating the landing process of an aircraft.
This paper deals with the driving process of chain sprocket system with the multi rigid body dynamics method.
The dynamics of accumulatively appeared family, genus, and species in the vegetation succession process were well described by logarithmic function.
Phenanthrene dynamics and influence in production process of needle coke is studied, the result shows: different process conditions have obvious influence on phenanthrene content.
By simulating the static relaxation and dynamics bending process, the differences between the two conditions were compared.
The mechanism for membrane formation by immersion precipitation processes was reviewed based on the thermodynamics, mass transfer dynamics, mechanism of phase separation and gelation process.
The paper stress on analysis dynamics of ecosystem and quantitative evaluation indexes in the process of the restoration.
The paper stress on analysis dynamics of ecosystem and quantitative evaluation indexes in the process of the restoration.