Further the earth pressure distribution with RB and rt modes was obtained using the same software, and the results were compared with t mode.
Earth pressure distribution at the bottom floor of revetment shows large at two poles and little in the middle under revetment load, just like a parabolic distribution.
By analyzing the influence of the radius of pit and soil parameters to the active earth pressure distribution, it was (achieved) that the influence is identical to Rankine theory.
The contact pressure and its distribution, the load sharing between piers and the raft are monitored by the installed earth pressure cells at pier-soil and raft-soil interfaces.
And based on the practical foundation pit project of Shanghai, the method of amending coefficient of distribution graphics of earth pressure is presented.
The discussions are made on the distribution of earth pressure, the magnitudes and the points of application of the resultant earth pressures for practical design.
The results of field test indicate that the earth pressure of abutment, different from linear distribution of Coulomb's, acts as parabolic type.
According to the equilibrium conditions of forces acting on a soil element, the problem for non-linear distribution of earth pressure of cohesive backfill is studied.
The distribution of earth pressure between the combined retaining structure is one of the key questions urgently to be solved.
Research purposes: This paper researches the distribution mode of the earth pressure on a cable anchor tied-back pile-slab wall flexible retaining structure on an embankment's shoulder or slope.
The indoor model test using organic glass is carried out and the displacement, stress, earth pressure as well as its distribution type are measured to verify the theoretical values.
使用有机玻璃进行室内模型试验,实测了端墙的位移、路面板应力、端墙应力及土压力,验证了理论分析结果,获得了端墙背后土压力的分布形式。 连续配筋混投土路面结构研究。
The distribution of passive earth pressure against retaining wall is nonlinear, and the sliding surface in soil is usually a curve.
Though the value of earth pressure can be given exactly by these theories, the application location and distribution of earth pressure obtained have a large difference from the measured results.
Therefore, it is very necessary to improve traditional theories of earth pressure in order to provide the method determining the application location and distribution of earth pressure reasonably.
The distribution of the earth pressure under raft is studied and discussed. In addition, the characteristics of the tension pile under the podium of the tall building is analysed.
还分析了筏底土压力的分布机理 ,探讨了影响桩间土分担荷载作用的因素。
So carrying on in-situ measurements of anchor's stress, the value and distribution of earth pressure will be investigated by analysis on actual data.
Magnitude and distribution of vertical earth pressure on the top of culverts and their changes with soil-filled height;
Theoretical analysis and experimental results from effect anchor earth-retaining wall pressure distribution factor would very complicated.
Theoretical analysis and experimental results from effect anchor earth-retaining wall pressure distribution factor would very complicated.