The Earth Simulator, introduced in 2002, was the world's fastest supercomputer until 2004, when IBM's Blue Gene took the title.
These are competing technologies (Earth Simulator, a vector supercomputer, is still among the top 10 fastest supercomputers).
A measurement and control system based on PCI bus is developed in accordance with the demands of Light and Pint-sized Earth Simulator.
In 2002, however, the Japanese government's Earth Simulator set off anxiety in Washington when that system briefly claimed the top position.
The earth simulator is an important ground simulation test and precision calibration equipment for infrared earth sensor which is the key component in the satellite controlling system.
All of the moves are run through a simulator on Earth to ensure the rovers won't crash into any boulders or drive off the edge of a cliff.
Is the magnetosphere simulator reflecting this slight field from the Dark Twin, which is as large as the Earth?
Is the magnetosphere simulator reflecting this slight field from the Dark Twin, which is as large as the Earth?