It's much easier to run the data mining model than to load the data into it.
Develop and promote screen capture, video recording, and other software that makes tests easier to run.
These systems are able to cope with "noisy" and incomplete data and are easier to run on-line than KBSs.
The more powerfully you can push off the ground, the less effort each stride will take, and ultimately it will be easier to run faster.
Moving forward with the software-defined datacenter capabilities in earlier technical previews, we are adding features that make it easier to run your infrastructure.
Also a big thanks to all of the admin and helpers, you gave your time and effort and for that I am grateful, I know it was much easier to run the forum with your help.
But smaller, focused organisations are easier to run than large, sprawling ones—Citigroup has more employees than the American navy and, apparently, greater destructive power.
The innovator will search for alternate courses, which may prove easier in the long run and are bound to be more interesting and challenging even if they lead to dead ends.
It also helps if people could already test on the current development releases to see which issues they run into, and provide this feedback so we can make the transition process easier.
Device Stage makes connecting and working with devices easier than ever with a single interface to manage devices and run common tasks.
The things to keep in mind when making life easier for users who might run your program in emulation are the same things you should keep in mind when developing any software.
IBM WebSphere application Server V7 is a major release that offers dramatic run time improvements, plus simpler and easier ways to develop and deploy applications.
IBMWebSphereApplicationServerv 7是一个主要发行版本,提供了引人注目的运行时改进,以及更简单和更容易的应用程序开发和部署方法。
The outline view shows predicted results for components, making it easier to predict the data to be returned without having to run the BizView.
GAdmin-Rsync allows you to define several backups, so it's easier to re-run them.
GAdmin - Rsync允许定义多个备份,很容易重新运行它们。
Rather than explain this out of the gate, it will be easier to show you, and to help with that, I have included a sample application for you to download and run.
I started a "learn to run" program three weeks ago and I thought running would be easier by now.
Visually specifying both the GUI and the window it’s supposed to pull up makes writing the scripts much easier; and once written, they can be run every night without further modification.
Note: It may be much easier to get this part to work if you create a script file (batch or shell) and run the commands from the script.
CDT makes it easier than ever to create these classes and class hierarchies, and to run and debug the application to test it.
This release also includes a new development and user guide which makes it even easier to develop, deploy and run applications.
With the centralisers, an earlier decision—to run only one pipe down the well, making it easier for gas and oil to get up—had been taken with the proviso that extra care would be needed in cementing.
The second way is to architect and plan your application and server so that you don? T run into these bottlenecks in the first place (easier said than done).
But again, when it is time to run your tests, if you have everything set up properly, it is easier to see which platforms or configurations you have or haven't tested.
This should make it easier to test the application, but also to allow corporate applications to be run within a company's network as well as outside.
This will definitely help in the long run and make it easier -- for you and others -- to resolve problems when they occur.
The JMS administration tool runs interactively, but it is easier to have it process a script that can be edited and run repeatedly.
The formatting capabilities of MO72 make scripts much easier to code and faster to run.
It might make things easier in the long run, but at a time when you're trying to get your head round suddenly keeping another human alive it's hard to prioritise.
In order to make the output easier to read we will supply the process ID on the command line and run it in batch mode.
In order to make the output easier to read we will supply the process ID on the command line and run it in batch mode.