Chinese Journals Circulation Area is located on the first floor of Audio-visual building, which is to the south east of the main building.
This project started to plan building a new house on the east side of the main house.
The scheme shapes the main open area on the south-east corner of the site, where the pool is placed attached to the building.
The building occupies the northern end of the Event Terrace, sitting below the site's main east-west ridge, overlooking the sculpted landform of the Central Valley and the adjoining planted forests.
Since the Middle East peace process started, the question of building a Palestine state becomes the main contents in the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks throughout.
Shanghai East health screening Centre is in the main building of East Hospital, established in 1997. It offers a comprehensive range of examination, health care and consultation services.
Shanghai East health screening Centre is in the main building of East Hospital, established in 1997. It offers a comprehensive range of examination, health care and consultation services.