As to the economic crisis now we are facing, it seems unwise to lower tax rate.
But he says that in addition to the U.S. credit crisis, the Federal Reserve governors are now concerned about other economic challenges.
Now there is a huge crisis, so the euro is doomed unless its members pool more sovereignty when it comes to taxing, spending and borrowing, and create an economic union.
But we have also got a short-term economic crisis, a set of challenges that we have to deal with right now.
The funding crisis at the Ministry of health has worsened since economic restrictions were imposed in March this year and now threatens the delivery of essential health services.
For now, the economic crisis is scarcely discussed in Russia's mainstream media, which has come under steadily tighter control since Mr Putin came to power.
The fast-growing economy is now at risk of an abrupt slowdown or downturn due to the global economic crisis.
Emerging markets in particular have recovered from the 2008-2009 economic crisis rapidly and are now growing at rates above their historical average.
新兴市场从2008- 09年的经济危机中恢复得尤其快,目前的增速高于其历史平均水平。
Just calculation errors, originally had five hundred words! Now the economic crisis, pen oil but to cherish!
Now many urban house occupied large Banks too fast, the capital, if serious supply, or price than citizens bear ability, can appear a large houses vacant, the economic crisis.
Many now credit those with ensuring that Germanygot through the economic crisis relatively unscathed.
We could know the American market is influenced by the economic crisis from the Internet, but till now, the European market is hit not so badly as America.
Before the economic crisis our focus was in the Mideast. Now we have moved it to Asia.
Now that we have seen what real turbulence is with the financial crisis of 2008, fear and panic are drivers of economic behavior.
More and more women are seeking a "budget husband" instead of wealthy men, just as home buyers now look for budget houses rather than villas during the economic crisis.
More and more women now tend to seek a "budget husband" instead of wealthy men just as home buyers now look for budget houses rather than villas during the economic crisis.
Though the financial crisis swept the whole country in the late of 1997, the economy has fully recovered now and the entire macro-economic index has reached or exceeded those of before the crisis.
Though the financial crisis swept the whole country in the late of 1997, the economy has fully recovered now and the entire macro-economic index has reached or exceeded those of before the crisis.