Periodic surges of intense Iranian economic nationalism must be understood partly as a reaction to the close relations between British business in Iran and the British government.
Aerospace is one of the last redoubts of economic nationalism.
These challenges cannot be solved by protectionism, isolation and economic nationalism.
So, we should firmly resist calls for protectionism, isolation and economic nationalism.
It is a similar story when it comes to industrial policy, economic nationalism and energy deregulation.
This economic nationalism did Siemens little good: it grew fat and lazy and struggled to compete abroad.
China has picked a strange time to lay down a marker in defense of economic nationalism - and an even stranger industry in which to do it.
However, these theoretical points of view are very difficult to solve the practical problems of the economic nationalism in multi-ethnic country.
A fourth risk is resurgent economic nationalism as countries such as Russia and china-and indeed america-race to secure and exploit scarce raw materials.
Economic nationalism in the Middle East is characterized by foreign and defensive aspects, which has evolved under the invasion of the Western power and civilization.
The tragedy of Airbus is that a co-operative enterprise that promised to surmount economic nationalism is now being gradually killed by a dose of that very European disease.
A pragmatic economic nationalism - one not hobbled by a philosophy, and one that can imagine an economy that will work even for its forgotten corners - offers solutions.
Two years ago Franck Riboud, the boss of Danone, a French food group, was able to whip up a froth of economic nationalism to ward off the mere threat of a takeover by America’s PepsiCo.
两年前,达能集团是法国一个食品集团公司。 公司老板Franck Riboud高喊国家经济主义的口号,就是为了挡住美国PepsiCo公司的接管威胁。
They talk of rising economic nationalism and a decline in the popular legitimacy of the EU and its institutions, and worry that these two trends are feeding each other in a vicious circle.
Industrialization, colonization, and sudden economic change have all been linked to either the creation of modern nationalism or with more recent nationalist mobilization.
In a report that accompanied the survey results, the world Economic Forum wrote that a rise of nationalism and less cooperation among world powers was raising the risks of global conflicts.
In a report that accompanied the survey results, the world Economic Forum wrote that a rise of nationalism and less cooperation among world powers was raising the risks of global conflicts.