This is caused by some special cultural factors of economy of Japan.
Japan Inc., the powerhouse economy of Japan which has been likened to a massive business corporation, is in a muddle.
Industrial policies have been an important means in the promotion of the fast growth of economy of Japan after the war.
Analysis of these causes and their background will provide us with the general picture of the economy of Japan and the issues for study it faces today.
They looked at the repeated attempts by the Bank of Japan to pull its economy out of a deflationary mindset and concluded that other central banks might prove equally impotent.
But in a highly regulated economy such as Japan, which does not have free competition and lacks equality of opportunity, inequality can also be hard to escape.
Japan was already a mature, developed economy, with a GDP per person close to that of America.
A global economy with more poles of growth could offer Japan new markets, especially for its impressive capabilities to use energy efficiently.
As with many other industries, the boom in finance in Asia doesn't apply to Japan, where the economy will eke out growth of little more than 1% this year.
But I do not see this economy going the deflationary way of Japan.
China has-statistically anyway-overtaken Japan in terms of growth, putting it on track to become the world's second biggest economy this year.
The international success stories in media have been relatively rare, even though Japan has the world's second largest economy and has produced some of the best known consumer brands.
Japan, the world's second largest economy, lagged behind, ranked third in Asia and ninth globally, faring poorly on measures of its institutions and market and business sophistication.
The first problem with this argument is shown by Mr Mahbubani's inclusion of Japan as a Western economy.
In denomination of US dollars, Chinese economy will exceed Japanese this year, while in terms of purchasing power, China has long surpassed Japan as the second economic entity.
With Euro Zone growth grinding to a halt and further afield in places like Japan, where the economy has officially joined the ranks of countries in recession, optimism is in short supply.
In Japan the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry launched a calculation and labelling programme in 2008 which has signed up more than 300 retailers and manufacturers.
TWO decades ago Japan accounted for 14% of the global economy.
'the yen is surging against the dollar and could damage our economy,' he wrote in a letter to Bank of Japan Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa.
他致信日本央行行长白川方明(Masaaki Shirakawa)说,日圆对美元正在飙升,可能损害我们的经济。
Many people worried that the overhang of debt, and the depressed state of the economy, would cause a prolonged period of deflation, as experienced by Japan over the past two decades.
The Japanese currency featured rock-bottom interest rates put in place by the Bank of Japan, which has kept rates low in a long effort to re-energize the Japanese economy.
日本的利率低到了不能再低的水平,日本央行(Bankof Japan)为使日本经济恢复活力,一直将利率维持在低水平。
This month, Japan said its economy shrank at an annual rate of 1.3 percent from April through June. It was the third quarter of shrinkage in a row.
This month, Japan said its economy shrank at an annual rate of 1.3 percent from April through June. It was the third quarter of shrinkage in a row.